Thursday, February 29, 2024

The extract from the forensic medical examination on the causes of death of 13 people regarding the victims of the Vilnius tragedy of January 13, 1991. Original text.

 Eng  / Original Text

Жертвы трагических событий 13 января 1991 года,

Loreta Asanavičiūtė (р. 1967)
Virginijus Druskis (р. 1969)
Darius Gerbutavičius (р. 1973)
Rolandas Jankauskas (р. 1969)
Rimantas Juknevičius (р. 1966)
Alvydas Kanapinskas (р. 1952)
Algimantas Petras Kavoliukas (р. 1939)
Vytautas Koncevičius (р. 1941)
Vidas Maciulevičius (р. 1966)
Titas Masiulis (р. 1962)
Alvydas Matulka (р. 1956)
Apolinaras Juozas Povilaitis (р. 1937)
Ignas Šimulionis (р. 1973)
Vytautas Vaitkus (р. 1943)
Виктор Викторович Шатских (р. 1961) — лейтенант группы "А

  The extract from the forensic medical examination on the causes of death of 13 people regarding the victims of the Vilnius tragedy of January 13, 1991:

 Lietuvos Respublika
(under the inscription is the coat of arms of the Republic of Lithuania)
 sveikatos ministerija
Respublikinis teismo medicinos ekspertizės biuras
200001 Vilnius, g. Polockas 6
(all inscriptions are in Lithuanian, below all text is in Russian)

№ 29
6 февраля 1991г.
1.  Vytautas Vaitkus  /1943 г.р./ - 1. Слепое огнестрельное пулевое ранение груди /входное отверстие на передней верхней поверхности левого плеча, раневой канал проходит сверху вниз, слева направо и несколько спереди назад через мягкие ткани плеча и груди с переломом 3-х рёбер по средне-ключевой линии, через верхнюю долю левого лёгкого с повреждением 3-4 грудных позвонков/. 2. Сквозное пулевое ранение груди /входящее отверстие в 7-м межрёберье слева по передне-подмышечной линии и выходным отверстием в 4-м межрёберье справа между средне ключичной линией и передне-подмышечной, ход раневого канала снизу вверх слева направо и несколько сзади наперёд через мягкие ткани груди, левый купол диафрагмы, нижнюю долю левого лёгкого, сердце и правое лёгкое/.
2.  Ignas Šimulionis  /1973 г.р./ - 1. Слепое пулевое ранение живота /входное отверстие на передней брюшной стенке слева раневой канал проходит спереди назад в брюшную полость с повреждением петель тонкого кишечника/. 2. Сквозное пулевое огнестрельное ранение грудной клетки /входное отверстие по лопаточной линии в верхней трети груди справа, выходное отверстие на передней поверхности левого плеча, раневой канал проходит сзади наперёд, несколько снизу вверх и изнутри кнаружи через мягкие ткани/. 3. Сквозное пулевое ранение верхней трети правого бедра /входное отверстие на задней поверхности в верхней трети, выходная рана на передней поверхности, раневой канал проходит сзади наперёд справа налево и сверху вниз через мягкие такни/. 4. Сквозное пулевое ранение левой руки /входящая рана на задней поверхности в верхней трети, выходящая на задней поверхности плеча в нижней трети, раневой канал идёт снизу вверх/. 5. Сквозное пулевое ранение верхней трети левого предплечья /входящая рана на задней поверхности, выходная на передней поверхности, раневой канал идёт сзади наперёд через мягкие ткани/. 6. Сквозное пулевое ранение левого предплечья /входящая рана на задней поверхности в средней трети, выходящая ниже его на 2,5 см., раневой канал идёт сверху вниз/. 7. Сквозное пулевое ранение левого предплечья /входящая рана на наружной поверхности в верхней трети, выходящая рана соединяется с одним из выше указанных раневых каналов/. Кости левого предплечья в виде множества костных осколков. Кроме того, у потерпевшего имеется черепно-мозговая травма /рана затылочной области, кровоизлияние в мягкие ткани головы, многочисленные переломы костей свода и основания черепа, разрывы твёрдой мозговой оболочки, ушиб головного мозга и кровоизлияние под оболочку мозга/. Таким образом имеется: 6 сквозных пулевых ранений конечностей и грудной клетки и 1 слепое пулевое ранение живота. Многопрофильность переломов свода и основания черепа с уплощением его в боковых направлениях, частичное травматическое удаление вещества головного мозга говорят о том, что в данном случае имело место сдавливание головы между двумя поверхностями в боковом направлении. Обычно такая травма наблюдается при перекатывании колёс транспортного средства.
3.  Vidas Maciulevičius /1956 г.р./ - Слепое пулевое огнестрельное ранение /входящее отверстие ранения на коже левой щеки по дуге нижней челюсти, раневой канал проходит через мягкие ткани лица, тело нижней челюсти слева, диафрагму рта, левую внутреннюю сонную артерию, верхнюю долю левого лёгкого и тело 6-7 шейных позвонков в спинно-мозговой канал/. Таким образом имеется одно огнестрельное слепое пулевое ранение.
4.  Virginijus Druskis  /1959 г.р./ - Слепое пулевое проникающее ранение грудной клетки справа во 2-ом межрёберье по средне-ключичной линии, раневой канал проходит справа налево, сверху вниз и спереди назад через мягкие ткани груди, правое лёгкое, сердечную сорочку и сердце, левое лёгкое и заканчивается в мягких тканях грудной клетки/. Имеется одно слепое огнестрельное пулевое ранение грудной клетки.
5.  Darius Gerbutavičius /1973 г.р./ - 1. Сквозное огнестрельное пулевое ранение грудной клетки /входящее отверстие в надключичной области слева, выходное на задней поверхности грудной клетки справа, раневой канал проходит спереди назад, слева направо и сверху вниз через мягкие ткани грудной клетки, левое лёгкое и 9-й грудной позвонок/. 2. Сквозное огнестрельное пулевое ранение правого бедра /входное отверстие на наружной поверхности, выходное на внутренней и повреждением мягких тканей, бедренной артерии и вены/. 3. Сквозное огнестрельное ранение правой голени /входящее отверстие на наружной поверхности, выходящее отверстие на внутренней, раневые каналы данных ран проходят справа налево [снизу вверх - по материалам судебного дела.] с повреждением костей правой голени/. 4. Сквозное огнестрельное пулевое ранение правого предплечья /входное отверстие на наружной поверхности, выходное - на внутренней поверхности на этом же уровне, раневой канал проходит справа налево через мягкую ткань/. 5. Сквозное огнестрельное ранение 2-3 пальцев левой кисти с повреждением мягких тканей и костей. Таким образом имеется 5 огнестрельных пулевых ранений /грудной клетки, правого бедра, правой голени, правого предплечья, и левой кисти/.
6.  Rimantas Juknevičius /1968 г.р./ - Слепое пулевое огнестрельное ранение правого бедра /входное отверстие на передней поверхности правого бедра, раневой канал идёт спереди назад с повреждением бедренной артерии, глубоких бедренных артерий и вены и переломом шейки правого бедра/. Имеется одно огнестрельное пулевое ранение.
7. Виктор Викторович Шатских /1969 г.р./ - слепое огнестрельное пулевое ранение грудной клетки /входящее отверстие на спине в 7-м межрёберье по околопозвоночной линии, раневой канал идёт снизу вверх и несколько слева направо с повреждением 7-го ребра, нижней и верхней долей правого лёгкого/. Имеется одно слепое пулевое огнестрельное ранение грудной клетки.
8. Apolinaras Juozas Povilaitis /1937 г.р./ - 1. Сквозное огнестрельное пулевое ранение грудной клетки /входное отверстие слева, выходное отверстие с правой подмышечной линии, раневой канал идёт слева направо с повреждением 2-го ребра слева, левого лёгкого, крупных сосудов сердца и правого лёгкого/. 2. Касательное огнестрельное пулевое ранение правой половины грудной клетки /кожи/. 3. Сквозное огнестрельное пулевое ранение левого предплечья /входное отверстие на наружной поверхности, выходное на внутренней, повреждены мышцы предплечья/. Имеется 3 огнестрельные пулевые ранения /2 сквозных груди и левого предплечья, 1 касательное груди/.
9. Titas Masiulis  /1962 г.р./ - 1. Сквозное огнестрельное ранение грудной клетки /входное отверстие в правой половине грудной клетки, выходное отверстие в левой половине, раневой канал проходит справа налево с повреждением мягких тканей груди, переломом грудины в нижней трети, повреждением передних краёв обеих легких, сердечной сорочки и сердца/. 2. Сквозное огнестрельное пулевое ранение грудной клетки /входное отверстие в средней части спины, выходное отверстие на левой боковой поверхности на уровне 8-10 ребер, раневой канал идёт сзади наперёд, справа налево с повреждением мягких тканей спины, повреждением нижней доли левого лёгкого/. Таким образом: имеется 2 сквозных, огнестрельных пулевых ранения грудной клетки.
10. Alvydas Kanapinskas /1962 г.р./ - повреждение взрывным устройством - рвано-ушибочная рана правой боковой поверхности груди /раздробление 4-10 ребер справа с повреждением межрёберных мышц и пристеночной плевры, размозжение средней и нижней долей правого легкого/. Имеется 1 повреждение взрывным устройством.
11. Algimantas Petras Kavoliukas /1939 г.р./ - ушибленные раны головы, ссадины головы, туловища и конечностей, кровоизлияние в мягкие ткани головы, туловища и конечностей: вычленение 1-3 ребер слева из позвоночника, перелом 2-5 ребер справа по среднеключичной линии, перелом позвоночника между 11-12 позвонками с повреждением спинного мозга, разрыв лонного сочленения в обоих крестцово-повздушных, полный вывих костей в левом голеностопном суставе, перелом обеих костей правой голени в средней трети у потерпевшего образовались при ударе выступающими частями движущегося автотранспортного средства в заднюю поверхность тела пострадавшего, находящегося в вертикальном, или близко к вертикальному положению с последующим отбрасыванием тела и перекатыванием колеса через тело г-на К. А. Ю.
12. Rolandas Jankauskas /1969 г.р./ - сжатие тела между твёрдыми предметами - ушибленные раны головы, кровоизлияние в мягкие ткани головы, ссадины головы, многочисленные переломы костей свода основания и лицевого черепа, сдавливание головного мозга с кровоизлияниями под мягкой оболочкой мозжечка, правой затылочной доли. Множественные ссадины и кровоизлияния груди, спины, живота и конечностей, перелом правой ключицы, правой лопатки; перелом 2-7 ребер справа по передней подмышечной линии, 2-7 ребер справа по околопозвоночной линии, перелом 2-5 ребер слева по средне-ключичной линии и 4-5 ребер слева по околопозвоночной линии с повреждением межрёберных мышц и пристеночной плевры, кровоизлияния у ворот правой почки и селезёнки - у г-на Я. Р. Б. возникли от действия /сдавливание/ тупых твёрдых предметов, каковыми могли быть колёса транспортного средства.
13. Loreta Asanavičiūtė /1967 г.р./ - сильное сдавливание таза, обеих бедер и правой голени: ссадины нижней части живота, лобковой области и обеих бёдер; подкожные кровоизлияния на передней поверхности правой голени и задних поверхностях обоих бёдер, разрыв промежности, кровоизлияние с отслоением кожи в крестцово-поясничной области, кровоизлияние в мягкие ткани брюшной стенки и таза, в левую околопочечную клетчатку с разрывом брюшины, кровоизлияние в стенки мочевого пузыря, разрывы лонного сочленения и правого крестцово-повздушного, перелом крестца, кровоизлияние в мышцы передней поверхности таза и бёдер, точечные кровоизлияния под кожей лица и грудной клетки, а также шеи у г-ки Асанавичюте Л.С. возникли [далее в напечатанном на машинке тексте справки идёт обрыв строки и строкой ниже вписано - ред.] от действия тупых, твёрдых предметов, каковыми могли быть части движущегося автотранспортного средства, например гусеница подвижного тяжёлого механизма.

Head of the Bureau of Forensic Medicine A. Garmus /А. Гармус/. (signature)
Round official seal with text in Lithuanian: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania.
Republican Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination. Spanish S. Kozlovsky /С.Козловский/.

Jul 6, 2011 - Social Service of Protection of Children of Lithuania

  Lithuanians... I one raising two children, one is three years old, the other is five. I sit at home with the children. Lithuania has caused me a lot of losses, a lot - for no reason, without responsibility and without remorse. Do not think that I am a dependent, my work experience in companys of Americ & Europen is more than threty years. Today, official I don't get very much money from the state of Lithuania. This official income I don't have enough for food for children, and I don't have relatives who could help me, I don't have a secret treasure, and in my yard not falling money from the sky to.

But... But, I help another woman who lives with me under the same roof with a child. The girl is only one year old. I took she to live with me, from a outdoor. Everything from me - warmth, hot water, food, and clothes. I am not complaining, her situation is understandable, she receives only 315 litas /90 euro/ from the state, she has no education, and the child's father is a drunkard. I understend - need to help people... but why all from my acc ?

 Annoying not this. do Annoying, as a social service, children's services not care about living conditions childrens. Well, todai as telking wolkers of social service of protection of children of Lithuania we live in the basement, but with such conditions as the circumstances allowed us not bad, and we take care of children. We all live like this, I provided housing for both the children and this woman to the best of my ability, of my account. It is known that we want to live better, but there are official objective circumstances. At some point, I and may be children can go to concentration camps as illegals immigrants, or be sent to Russia, or generally they will start financical, material, moral pressing us stronger how maked today. Because we need to have a living area, like a safe, so that all our property will not be stolen in I absence, but today I can’t make another separate room for my guardians. And this problem.

 And what I don't understand.... Children's services, social services, city administration, they care about the conditions where the children live, but so far they have not done anything as a pozitiv for me, this woman, this childrens from self account. They, everyone wants to be good, but only from my account. It seems to me that if you really care, contribute to the financial support of this small family, ask myself who and how can help to arrange a separate room for them, if you do not know how to suggest they something better than me. This will be fair... Oh, otherwise, who needs these social services under the administration anyway. To keeping alcoholics? It seems to me that if you have neither the energy nor the desire to help, then you must be satisfied with the conditions I give, and for that, you must be grateful. It your Lithuanian woman and Lithuanian childrens !

 In addition, from document whith to me maked Rietavo self goverment in Russian consulate of Lithuania I am a Russian citizen, a person who need deported and who need is tortured by the Lithuanian Government. But see I help your people, I save you and children from hunger, from senseless suicides... Your people are pressing me, and you are watn... Oh, what a pity?!

Well, it seems so to me... I see it so this.

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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Jul 5, 2011 - Economic Ministry; causes, effects and future of Lithuania.

 Oh, oh...  Having shares, and to be diller in any Japanese, European or American company is not the same as creating a company from scratch.  The creator of the capacity to produce any product or provide services must be a designer, engineer, entrepreneur, specialist in the field of the goods or services offered, and a dealer needs to be only a translator, retranslator. The mind of the creator and the translator is very different. The diller thinks only yes-no options, and the creator has a hard decisions on every question. Choosing the right decisions one is not so easy. The worst option to samples from one another method exception, best - when everything is calculated. There is another options, but this is, last the main one.
 It seems so to me.

 Exceptions to the method may incur additional costs, both due to financial reasons and time constraints. But if there is no specialist, no experience and time is pressed, due to preparatory work - it can be selected. You just have to always remember that this method is good because of a simple version and that not requiring answers to the questions why and how, such as specific knowledge in the fields of various sciences.
 That is, dealership is a deliberate degradation in the areas of scientific, economic, and public relations.

 Thats why I think that Rimantas Zylius is not a suitable candidate for the post of the Minister of Economic of Lithuania. He thinks very primitively, and can not find a suitable solution for positive for the development of scientific, technical, economic, social relations.  He is weak to find correct solutions, not to mention solutions elections with optimal amplitudes of positive propositions. Better, like Prunskiene, but I don't like for raider takeovers, expropriation and nationalization of promising property industries )

Jul 3, 2011 - Experience from the past.

 I am listening to former president Valdos Adamkaus today. I don't know what he's braving about. All current problems of Lithuania were not born today. this hir administration did launderd money from investing in the closure of nuclear power plant units of Elektrines - next to this, money laundering from reconstruction the Valdovu Rumai  - children's pranks, corruption in the Ministry of the Interior and the Prosecutor's Office, also this is his merit. What's next?... Thousands of people left Lithuania, because they did not find an understanding of their problems, no opportunities to realize one’s abilities, a education. The unfulfilled promises to Polish administration. What  today's are the consequences conflict of Lithuania with peoples etnish diaspor of Poles inside Lithuania and with the state of Polish ?  

 Today, this man is teaching us how to live, and he accuses us of not wanting to beg in Lithuania, when We don’t want to beg, while the Lithuanian administration builds its material well-being on humanitarian financial and material assistance that has not been paid according to acts and agreements. We don't want to risk the future of our childrens, if doesn't know why and what. He says that the lost childrens schoolchildren are not a great tragedy for Lithuania, and all questions about regarding missing Lithuanian children he calls it a manifestation of chauvinism. Why ? This is today Lithuanian moral norms ?  

 If you'll of now believe to him, to administration of Lithuania you see what happens after that... I don't think it's good !

Jun 20, 2011 - Raimundas Palaitis, preparing for global corrupt bribery...

 The Ministry of the Interior of Lithuania is calculating how to improve the material situation for their public and official persons, and offering the officials of the ministry of Lithuania can offer collegs of belarus asylum services to such countries as France, England, Germany.
Why but not from youself account ?
What so nexst?

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Jun 18, 2011 - national crime of Raimundas Palaitis...

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Jun 18, 2011 - national crime of Raimundas Palaitis

 Well, me interested ar Raimundas Palaitis never gets tired of lying? What happened to this Azerbaijani - hiattracted to a warm and luxurious life or escaped from Europian justice? Why did Lithuania decide to hand over young people to the Azerbaijani special service? Mayby a hysterical woman from a Caucasus for reasons a luxury vacation?) This is a crime?
 But for me an even bigger crime is the murder of witnesses in a pedophile case under unsolved circumstances. The real effects of the pedophile case are also unclear, as it is unclear why, because of you, are many children, people forced to leave Lithuania, where their children are raped for the benefit of social service employees, child welfare services, and employees of orphanages. This is secret hand public and oficial persons of Lithuania regulating the activities of police, prosecutor's, justice office ?
 Oh, maybe you will answer the question, How do you manage to engage in counterfeiting in institutions on the books of Lithuanian justice ?

I still have a lot of questions, but only one thing is important - Lihtuanian public and oficial persons really deserve prison !

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Jun 20, 2011 - Raimundas Palaitis, pasiruosimas pasauliniam kiseninkavimui.

Jun 14, 2011 - dangerous games...

  Dangerous games this I'm talking about populist games of public and legal persons of Lithuania. We all are living people and its cliar all peopls have human factors, emocios. This everything depends on the circumstances, presentation and perception of this or that information, manipulation of public opinion is obvious, but there is no direct violation of the law. But the responsibility of consiquences  is peuops who use emotional aspects at the level of innate instincts to promote the interests of self directed against scientific, technical, economic, and social relations progress. Am understend so: if you driving too fast - you have to pay fines, if you have committed a criminal offense - go to jail. The laws for every body are the same everything, but to exempt from administrative and criminal liability because of a significant public or official position is stupidity, which will have even more negative consequences than the crime already committed. But I don't can say the same about what in Lithuanian hooligan driving is called.  If a person drift on a car, and has not had a single accident in 20-25 years of experience, let him continue drifting. What is wrong here ? It's scarier when drunk peopls to fly around the village at 100 kilometers per hour but self goverment police are not responding to this because this persons have  public or official important position.
  I agree it's really necessary to recall the driver's license for life, due to the circumstances, irresponsible driving. Irresponsible driving here need understending, due to time and place. If a person flies 160 on a straight, empty road, he is dangerous only to himself. This is the body is his, and the money is his! Let him fly if dangerous only for him, and not for others.
 This written and in the Lithuanian constitution and with all the amendments and additions it sounds like this: a person independently assesses the danger for himself and independently makes decisions regarding his life, health, property.
 From all this it follows: populist games are very dangerous, and no good peopls should not lose their jobs, just because they drove faster on an empty road, as stipulated in the road traffic rules or crossed a completely empty road at a red warning signal, etc..
Well, that's my opinion...

May 27, 2011 Lithuania - Temporary residence permit...

 Well... Today Lithuanian administration gave me  to temporarily live on my houm  and they  humiliated me that I living at a lithuanian children, and not the children live in my house, bought with my money and my family’s money.. I live in a house that I bought with my own money, am  to biding, I alimentation these Lithuanian children, who are of no use to anyone but me, from my own funds and those of my family, in addition to this, I pay for health insurance for me and them, and even under these conditions we are denied any medical services, even emergency ones. I live temporarily, and am dont have lithuanian civil belonging, have only citizen in Lithuania, but children there living for me are Lithuanian have and citizens, and civil belonging. I'll put it simply, Lithuania embezzled our money from health insurance, just as they embezzled my pension savings. The children will have to be prepared for school next year, and we do not have elementary morale, finanse, materiale, life stability. I do not want to continue working in Lithuania under the conditions of simple being robbed, just as I do not want to allow myself to be buried like a slave of lithuanian public and oficial persons tape Lithuanian administracia. I don't know what to do... It hurts) Looks like me need will have place. I am seriously looking at Poland, and this year I plan to ask for political asylum. Today Poland is contrversia in Lithuania. If am add that I also financially help a Polish families, which as and I for unknown reasons being financially pressing, persecution from Lithuanian administration and , I think this will be an important reason.
 What can I say, today's Lithuanian government is a gang of pedophiles, thieves, scumbags who do not want and cannot be responsible for the consequences of their own conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior, as well as for their own and self state obligations. This is legally to excuses and therefore legalized. Am think this must be understood this way - any active criminal activity on the part of Lithuanian public and official person  is legal !

Monday, February 26, 2024

May 9, 2011 and for all nexts... Bloody sunset of Soviet Russia !

 This country it's strange Russia and people living now in Russia is strange...
 It is clear that on the territory of modern Russia nothing remains of the old, Tsarist Russia. This territory today is inhabited by people who can rightfully call themselves Russian only on a territorial basis livinger. And they need to get it into their heads very well that they have nothing to do with the achievements Russia before 1917 and are not the heirs of that old Russia as and not the heirs Golstein Gottorps dinasty. There is no need to disgrace the noble past old Russia with dog blood. This is just like the noble families of past eras have nothing to do with Red, Bolshevik Russia. Not only do they have no relationship, but they are also opponents, not traitors, but precisely opponents of the existing regime on all territory old Russian Imperia in whatever bizarre forms it is integrated and interpolated  into today on ex Soviet Space.
 Yes, it’s simple, no one has yet anathematized the scoundrels who completely destroyed what today they want to appropriate as heritage another scoundrels. How can a murderer and thief be the heir of someone whom he destroyed as a class and appropriated his property? How to explain that not a single executioner from 1917 to the present day has been anathematized, not a single one has suffered a fair punishment, not for the acts of masse cutting out the civilian population about the NKVD order for the destruction of the social strata of the intelligentsia, clergy, employees, as well as famous persons who served old Russia Imperia in soul and body, which are was its pride and integral part.  Not a single Soviet Executioner one has suffered a fair punishment criminal actives , not for the violence, robbery and murder during the Second World War between Red (Bolshevik) Russia and Germany.
 I want emphasize again Modern Red (Bolshevik), Soviet and ex Soviet  Russia cannot be the heir to the glorious Russian heritage of the past before 1917, just as it cannot be the heir to the achievements of the Prussian /Deutsche people, neither in its national compositions, nor in its contribution to the glory of this regions.
 Today the Red Army celebrates its victory over Germany.  Was this Victory a victory for Soviet peopls ? What did she give to the children of the Red Commissars and peopls lojal for Soviet Rezime ? Another 70 years of agony of Soviet rezime, dictature, millions more legalized murders, still millions of lives ruined in the fight against hunger, poverty, bigotry and looting for the benefit of unknown fanatical ideas and beliefs?
For the good of what? For the benefit of a bunch of idiots who, suffering from a lack of self-worth, put forward schizophrenic nonsense about a great past and a bright future for a great national idea as idea way of one's own well-being ?
 But this is not a goal... The goal is simply to live, raise children, plant trees, build houses: The goal can be selfrealization, progress but no building your own well-being on the misfortunes of others. and if generally accepted moral and legal norms correspond to the development of scientific and technological progress, economics, and social relations - the civilization, technological progress, they comes on its own, like Glory. You don’t have to work specifically for this, it is a product of quantity into quality, a simple human principle of analyzing and adapting the surrounding reality to solve any problems that seem interesting to a particular individual/community for a certain period of time.
 Today we all see what Red (Bolshevik), Soviet Russia lost the Second World War, and with each passing year, the awareness of this to the descendants of non-humans who slaughtered more than a third of the noble , educated, decented class people  of Russia and no less in other regions of Europe then was within its zone of influence will be clearer and clearer.  
 Yes -You lost....  and for some reason the entire ex soviet regimes on ex territory sovietunion of today reminds me of the regime of Gadaffi, I think its fate will be similar and it will last exactly as long as the population takes to the streets because they see neither real prospects nor goals for their development . Today Goals of ex soviet regims no for the good of society, no for the good of Russia of populations, only for the good of Putin or others dictators or/and leaders of criminal regimes are only for fanatics and fools. This is not a goal, but self-deception, self-consolation when the victim gives his last shirt to the robber, but at the same time wants to console his pride, conscience and importance with delusion in which he so wants to believe because of his own weakness, inferiority and because of the lack of other soil-based self-justifying motivation.
 Happy Victory Day to you, Comrades, and may the blood of our ancestors will be as a lump in your all throat !

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Three day with mother of Vladislav Kovaliova who was killed by the Belarusian regime on bogus terrorism charges... /russian/poland language/

Autores reportazas lenku zurnaliste Monika Goralevska, TVN
Monika Góralewska z wizytą na Białorusi u boku matki Władisława Kowaliowa.

Maybe to you interesting:
Apr 12, 2011 Lithuania - Lukashenka and his opposition in Lithuania.

Apr 12, 2011 Lithuania - Lukashenka and his opposition in Lithuania.

 It seems that Lukashenka has seriously decided to destroy the opposition in Belarus and in Lithuania. He did not spare even close to his companions. The natural Beast!

 Maybe I'm wrong, but the explosion in Minsk is very unlike a terrorist act but only unlike. Belarus is a loyal to soviet country, because of its radical fanats and global tyrants, so there is no danger that a conflict will break out here. But it is striking that this explosion is more reminiscent of military fugues than a self-prepared explosion. Detonation is too good. The second reaction is the rescue service, and the third Lukasenka catches a black cat in dark room.

 I don't believe in the profesional intelligence of the special service in Belarus, just as I don't believe that the black cat caught will not be transferred to Lithuania and in Lithuania kill it. Maybe there will be an another one explosion somewhere in Vilnius. If so - according to logic, the culprits must be special servis. Responsibility on it to will lie special service of Belarus and personaly on will lie the President of Belarus Lukashenko. Why? Because he was the only one who could issue the order to prepare and carrying such the deed.

 It seems to me that it should have been closed border a long time ago and the sooner the better, and Kubilius, Prunskiene, Grybauskaite and many other Lithuanian politicians should be removed from their duties so that they are not promotion Lukasenko's collaborators. If we don't want teror in europia union territory, as with region Russia/Belarus and do not want the opposition Lukoshenko regime in Lithuania be destroyed by the Socialist/Communist camp of Lithuanian of Independence today need close border in Belarus.
 There are already too many socialists/communists from belarus here, and the europian people who temporarily live in Lithuania practically their whole lives and who were neither communists nor socialists traitors ist very little.

 Maybe to you interesting:
Three day with mother of Vladislav Kovaliova who was  killed by the Belarusian regime on bogus terrorism charges...  /russian/poland language/

Friday, February 23, 2024

Apr 2, 2011 Lithuania - How the Ministry of Lithuania of the Interior destroys the future of young Lithuanian.

Me It is not easy this to write, but today the Lithuanian officials are using state opportunities for funding, complete with good technical conditions and energy support, they are still fighting how to appropriate property from living for me minor children, who have who have social guarantees from Lithuanian jurisdiction as citizens of Lithuania. The Ministry of Lithuania of the Interior sees them as a future the victims of lawlessness and permissiveness public and official persons of Lithuania,  without a roof over their heads, the victim for claim Belorusian's and Lithuania's pedophiles or for oficial persons of Children Service of Lithuania sell a Lithuanian's Childrens to them

These are extraordinary accusations, but are logical it even now, I will prove them.

You know, we FolkDoutschers, did live in Russian against our will,  in this contain,  prisoners of German Second World War are very different from the Polish and Russian citizens of Lithuania. They consider what for Lithuanian contry they better than us, becaunt a them grandparents and great-grandparents, grandmuters didn't go through the concentration camps of the Soviet communists. For they as them telking us, has Lithuanian citizenship and a little more knowledge of the Lithuanian language. For this reason, when a Lithuanian communists/socialists beig persued, pressing, kill us, they do not see anything, the Lithuanian propagand machine as the press, television, and radio every working against us.
Of course we understand that throwing mud at us, our family and friends, during the Soviet-Lithuanian occupation of East Prussia became a tradition. Such a public, official opinion was imposed on the Soviet people as a popular norm of behavior, morality and law. None of the former Soviet populiation ever asked why, they simply took it for granted. This is the doctrine of Soviet fascism. Why ? Maybe becaunt why they to fear us ) They, soviet public and oficial persons fear a Democratic reforms, fead to lose control over the system of distribution of material assets, they are afraid of losing the right to irresponsibility and impunity for their specific criminal activities !
If it's about me, it's an honor for me that I can prove with my suveren status, and a soviet civil belonging, which the Lithuanian public and official persons made me, that my relatives passed through Russian communist/socialist concentration camps, that I was born and was broughting up with truly noble foundations, which neither Russians nor Lithuanians like so much to the communists/socialists of Soviet. They us count the children's of criminals.... Let them so count, but not us, but not our fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers never stole, they did fight, it was honor  and they did not betray either their spirit, either their own country, either people close to them!

It is understandable that the Sowiet public and official persons  persecuted us and according to theirown black (unofficial) laws we not can have qualification work, only job as slaves, we must be kept away from education and not allowed to live anywhere permanently. Why ? Because we are the inheritors not only of Vilna but also of East Prussia, where we there were real etnish residents, not only in citizenship, but also in etnicity, and this even before Stalin of Soviet's migration reforms. Take a look at today's Klaipeda, ago Memel, and you don't need words to understand it. But all these Soviat etnos groops people today have Lithuanian citizenship and consider themselves the lokal etnish groop.

What are we left with?
A soviet peopls are was being attacked us every time then for counter-revolutionary activities, for anti soviet agitation, today for subversive-sabotage and espionage in  favor of the USA&EU&UK government.  All the time, under various circumstances, former Soviet activists and propagandists are blocking us legal residence on our ethnically territory, causing moral, material, financial, and physical harm through their active activities in favor of the Russian-Belarusian Main Intelligence Directorate /ГРУ/ and State Security Agencies /КГБ/. As exthample am only got a temporary residence permit after 16 years of illegal lifes in Lithuania. I am not hiding, I live permanently in the one  same place in real estate purchased with my own money, am pay taxes, and I have more than more 30 years of official Europian seniority, with me living childrens - one is three years old, the girl is five. I want to live a full, active life, but my rights are limited and my actual existend social guarantees and rights declared by Europian law do not apply to me. Today I am raising children who living for me, who are citizens of Lithuania, but I pay for their medical insurance with my own non lithuanian money to Lithuanian heroic officials, and until today, with my living me children, young children, I was charged  with a debt/fine of about one thousand litas for month. This is about 300 Euro, Very nice!

But it's not the scary. It's scary, well, if we will not be able to cope with the obligations imposed on us beyond our financial capabilities, which will lead to the loss of real estate for the children, since according to the joint will on the part of my sister&me as  owners of the property, these children are the legal heirs it.  Am goto "To the end"  that will not be opposed to the interests of this children, and not in way of understanding Lithuanian officials: For They "no person - no problem" - and today they are trying to get rid of me so that there would be an opportunity, with the assistance of the Lithuanian child care service, to appropriate the my family property.
What add else? Everything is very logical. They keep us on a short leash and all the time impose increasingly difficult financial and material obligations, what would force me out of Lithuania, to send the children to children's homes and for fictional reasons, artificially created conditions, ago to write off debts, to appropriate our property. There is a complaint to the European Court about this today, but the Lithuanian Ministry of the Interior is responsible of Lithuania, and it is capable of paying for the loyalty of the European Court in relation to both Soviet activists, propagandists, and colleagues from Soviet, from of Security Committee. Other words to persons wich  today occupying significant public and official positions on the basis of departmental solidarity. It follows that regarding me, my complaint to the European Court will not be considered positively and, as the consequence of this, we should expect increased pressure on me and my family.

We are being killed... killed behind doors tightly closed by censorship and all sorts of agreements so that there would be no public outcry from crimes already committed or planned to be committed. The same scheme as with the Kedzis case, but I already talked about it ten years ago.
If someone thinks that this is only our problem and it will not affect him in any way, he is deeply mistaken. The whole point is that the Soviet moral and legal norms of distribution of property, income, and privileges are being legitimized on a social basis, where everyone whose abilities, understanding, education is higher than the norms of wretchedness and stupidity generally accepted for the region are victims and are subject to expulsion or destruction. This is the doctrine of the Soviet social consciousness. First, this will be a scam like the exspropriate  of land, later they will start cutting your necks and take awey vitally necessary financial resources, as and us..  .

I don't know what awaits I'm, but we won't be selling anything, there is an option to ask for asylum other Europen Union state, the children need to study and they need conditions for studing language and other  circumstances. All the debts that your officials came up with for us, we will pay off the fees for shipping containers as well such. If me manage to get asylum in another country and protect children from jurisdic Lithuanian we will never return there again, neither we, nor our relatives, nor people close to us... there is neither the desire nor the need to live there, and for us necessory no point in maintaining the rabble of Soviet criminals living on the territory of modern Lithuania.
12 years later...

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Mar 25, 2011 - What Lithuanian public and official person was proved ?

 Lithuania, Lithuania...
How can you think about the future if there is no assessment of life activity in the present tense, and the past is more mythology than reality. By present time I mean the time period from the collapse of the Soviet empire to the next global upheavals that will change established today moral and legal norms either negatively or positively. Now we are somewhere in the middle or maybe at the end of this time period in this coordinate system. It's time to analyze the functioning of the Lithuanian jurisdiction as an self goverment and make adjustments to create favorable conditions for scientific, technological, economic, social and public development. question, who one will take responsibility for the stolen money from the closure of Ignalina, who one will take responsibility for the money stolen from the dotacions,  who will take responsibility for the money laundered from the sale of electricity at the expense of Lithuanian energy consumers in Belarus, and so on and on. Is it possible that the same this will not be repeated with period and also no one will be responsible for criminal activities on a particularly large scale and size ?

Personally, for me, Lithuania as a jurisdiction has clearly demonstrated to the unreliability of investments in its economy, both as an personal farming ever as business objects. this is punishable and morally, and materially. Why ? there is such the practice - may be taken away by repressive actions away permit, licenses, work materials, objects of farming, transport and for this 'servis' to you will have also to payng )

I don’t want to be unfounded, so I’m looking ahead 21 years and its already real, documented facts of life activities Rietavas self government on behalf of the Lithuanian jurisdiction:
- Part 1 
- Part 2 
- Part 3 
- Addendums 

As we see as incomes, positives activating from the active life of Rietavas self government - they no.
I see  here  expenses, intentional harm, discrediting moral and legal norms, and more others everything that makes it impossible to realize one’s abilities, upbringing, education on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania with optimal benefit for oneself, one’s future, the future for close persons, and therefore, and for my or other persons makes it impossible to living on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. therefore, and without an assessment of the past, the future is impossible.

Now the question is: will Lithuanian society, law enforcement agencies, and jurisprudence tolerate, assist, longuish the criminal activities of Lithuanian public figures and officials  is outside help needed to avoid a critical situation with very negativ consequences ?

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Socialists, Communists, Trade Unionist, Zionists, Nazists... When did they come to kill, or when again will they come to rob, rape, kill.

 'When the Communists came to kill a nazists, I was silent, I am not a nazists.
  When the Nazis came to kill a communists, I was silent, I am not a communist.
  When trade unionsts came to kill a socialists, I was silent, I am not a socialist.
  When Zionists came to kill the representative of the trade unions, I also remained silent, I am not a member of the trade union.
  When they came to kill a Zionists, I was silent, I am not a Jew.
  And when they came to kill me, already there was no one left to protest.'

 Martin Niemoller, Protestant pastor, prisoner of Dachau.


 But every body were silent, every this also not me...
Part 1 - Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11
Part 2 - Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11
Part 3 - Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11
Pilot 4 - Addendums 

Lithuania, Mar 17, 2011... Innovative Technologies

 Am don't understand why ?

Today, am are trying to find money for the innovative project of building on the water. I understand that this is not a perfect and not big project today. I understand that there are similar studio of projects in Italy, China, Japan, and America. But my ideas are different from analog, and   idea I don't want to spoil it with small things. I don't want will be a spender, I don't want to have to pay for electricity or gas more than the cost of necessary depreciation of equipment and its maintenance.  I don't like such variants, for which the residents of Lithuania pay today, am don't want axcise tax  to increasing the real price of electricity and gas. But I understand that if Kubilis succeeded in selling gas to Lukashenka at a discount under the agrementing of kickbacks, the price for Lithuanian consumers would be the same as Russia's price is now. Butit's a stupid business, such as network marketing, but it seems that the Lithuanian government is targeting it today with a  scheme to enrich individuals who are in power. Well I want will ask for a very small amount of money for a study project that can be very useful for Lithuania, and I need a normal colleagues, not a moron, with education (engineers, chemists, physicists). I need cooperation with scientists, and practical money on pay for their work.

How to finance innovative projects, today I will try to implement online business projects, build a hair salon with a salon, and attract in it residents of not far away cities and villages. I can't do anything anymore. Money is very scarce. I have two problems - money and time.
I need help, I really need it... but it no !

Lithuania, self goverment of Rietavas... 2011 March... I have plan to make to me hairdshop.

 One...I want to build a barbershop in my village, and I want the barbershop to have social functions. In Lithuanian, many people do not have the conditions to wash clothes and bathe, so they have problems with hygiene and as consequence mass leather nails, dysentery and other. In Lithuania, this problem don't only to our village, it is a general problem.
I have the material, I have it  ecuitment and tuday for construction and  interios am don't have problem - take it and make it.
But, in lithuania now mass unemployment, for peopls problem with money and thefore I need a specialist hairdresser, beautician, only from my village. We don't have jobs, not income but there are people who want to work under such a specialty.
Getting a job in Lithuania is a problem, and this problem is not only the workplace, but also the circumstances. How to work if you need to pay for travel, you need to have money to support the family until the first salary, and you need to have a adequacy salary/income to  support the family, pay taxes, medical services, etc. But there is and problem, this qualification.

If I want to build a barbershop with the condition that local residents work there, I need to maketo they qualifications of hairdresing. As a responsible person, I understand to give  qualifications of peopls, will be also outcome living expenses, travel money and even content they and them family. It is understandable i want making all  a civilized way - my company will sign an agreement with people who want to study and work on some conditions, in my company, in after employment they will be communicate with the company on some oficial agreements. It seems to be understend... But how to get in shape for people and pay for their education, how to give scholarships, how to get money for way ?

Today the government of Lithuania thus controls busines activities what caned only put people on the job and pay them a salary, but for you don't have the option of training them in the necessary specialty. In addition, there is no option to save money for the necessary studies education and state local self goverment institutes do not know, or don't want way to propose solutions to this problem.

This is the question - todey in lithuaniawe have socialism ? that is, the distribution of educational opportunities, entrepreneurial activity, income generation not according to abilities, upbringing, but according to social belonging to diaspora, clan, party and loyalty to certain public and officials persons ? We live in Soviet Union country ? Therefore, let the State of Lithuania try to regulate issues that are within its competence and not solve qestion for which that publics and official persons of Lithuania have neither reason nor energy. Well, him launders money, make raidover businesses - bad, but it’s even worse if there is no opportunity to at least somehow plan your future through self-development, the realization of your abilities and capabilities.

Okay... Well, whatever it is, I’ll try need to solve this problem myself.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Independence Days of Lithuania...

 I don't like it when the Lithuanian government tries to present the 1917 as a national holiday. It's a black day! A black day in the history of Lithuania. When the Russian Empire fell, thousands of best people about social sign were slaughtered and destroyed and In territory of Lithuania too. Socialists scumbags who did nothing for their country came to power... they came with only one reason, to seize power and redistribute income, property, financial and material resources for the purpose of personal enrichment and at the expense of the calamity of other inhabitans of regions of the Russian Empire... Lithuanian socialists, redistributing looted and expropriated funds in their favor, plundered the former Vilna province of the Russian Empire and If says about Lithuania, they couldn't keep the power, and they sold country it to communists / socialists Soviet Union ! Am think this is not honor, this is the betrayal, and for the death penalty ! What will happen next with Lithuania ?
If not will be to maked  legal order , in accordance with the moral and legal norms of civilized humanity: Death, Tears and Fear - The Lithuanian Soviet Republic as subjekt Autoritary Regimes Ex Soviet Russia or Belarussia!

Lithuanian hronica from 1939:

I against Communist Russia of today, just like against today's Socialists Lithuania... I am for the Republic as subject Europos Union space, but without Communists, Socialists and Traitors !

Buildings on water.

 Recently,  Lithuanian it's epicenter a cataclysms  - floods, hurricanes, storms...
But there are also seasonal regalia, there is a reason and can it's believed to reduce or localize the consequences of the element ? For example, you can see my realized projects, where the plots are dry during the floods, the roofs do not fall down, no matter what the hurricane, the shingles do not fly in the yard. But my projects is miscalculated and differs from the mass constructions in Lithuania. But that's not what I want to talk about.

I'm want talking about floods!
There will still be tides, and the zero level of the ocean (according to the sea level zero level) will rise. Also there will be a hurricanes and a forest fires. But periodic floods can be fought. As an example in Holland. It is possible to make calculated corrective reliefs and centralized drainage systems. Similar work was attempted in East Prussia and the amplitude of the destruction on the flood criterion was reduced. Not only the destruction amplitude was reduced, but also the incoming sea waters were filtered out. This is a very important thing!
Today, Lithuanian authorities care more about the manifistations, a Minsk transitway and livelihood loans for Lukashenka and not investments in this sector. O this is money, Europian Union money.
What will I offer ?

I have a foundation option that can withstand floods and I can make floating reinforced concrete foundations on which low-rise engineering structures can be built. this buidings little floor, I have thoughts of one or two floors, and need engineering structures - and production, and live structures. Today in Lithuania not experience such works and have only my calculations, but you can benefit from this. First, I use the most efficient place coast-sea on the coast on the border of the watter, secondly, I use structures in the sea, such as bases, to house warehouses, thirdly, you can use already flooded areas due to the specific equipments (electrical transformers, pumping stations, medpoints, etc.) The price is very good for such buildings with floating foundations, but if you use the right ones materials, as to such work, the fittings (stainless metal), the generator system, the system of filtering sewers and water - the constructions are more expensive.
First, I want will talk only about structures, warehouses, cafes, juice areas and small concert areas on the temporarily/seasonally flooded areas.

What do I want ?

Reduce losses associated with seasonal floods and due to the achieved savings in investments in my engineering proekts of fermers, utility and residential structures on the high seas !

Saturday, February 17, 2024

We didn't like this Soviet Union and don't like which its now.

 Old publication, am but leave it but change the language with russian to English. The original article was originally in Russian, but Not because I have known this language since childhood and not at all because I feel nostalgia for it, and certainly not because it is in this language that it is possible to more accurately convey the thoughts, guided by which I am writing this article. Everything is simpler, I think that I am writing about the problem of everyone who was resettled or exiled, and perhaps the relatives of those who were shot during the years of Soviet power throughout the Territory of Soviet Union. “Territory of Russia” - I will designate the territory of the entire former Soviet Union, including and the Baltic region.

 My family from Easter Prussia! from oficial date base am born and raised in Siberia. It is clear that the Poles are not the indigenous population of Siberia and magic has nothing to do with it either, but on the basis that I was born and lived on the territory of the USSR, I have the mark - “Citizen of Russia”. Although neither I, nor my parents, nor their parents ever had any civil or ethnic or other affiliation.
 Yes... Yes... this is Stamp !!!
 Tuday every exformer Soviet Union region as subject official of Russia Federation has the status of a third countr's in Europe spaste. On this basis, the Passport of a Russian Civil belonging, Russian Civil Belonging and other Country of Soviet Union Belonging extends as social status of a Third Country Belonging.

 Civil Belonging this is not Citizenship. This is the bondservice. If Russian Belonging is such a form of care for former compatriots, then we must take care of everyone and the Lithuanian Migration Department in particular. These High-Ranking Persons can have two citizenships and serve the Russian KGB faithfully under status Cityzen Europen Union. Why is it need, at  first request or at the request of the official authorities of the country of time residence of Soviet Russia or other Soviet Country, to cover with their citizenship status people who have not lived on this territory for a long time, who do not have any real estate or other tangible and intangible property and a cityzen as forms of social guarantees not as a status of belonging. The reason that we once lived there is a reason if it applies to all who haved of the Post-Soviet Space. Why then was I to awarded such a high honor to be a belonging of Russia, but my neighbor Vitas or such a nice woman as Rimutienė from the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Lithuania was not? She, like me, lived on the territory of the USSR, studied at Soviet Educational Institutions, and even after the collapse of the USSR, she honestly served the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, has real and movable property as  reward for selfless as merits for the benefit of the Soviet fatherland.
 So why us and not them ?  

 Now about practicality... It is impossible  not to live, not to get a job, not to open a bank account, not to put money there or to withdraw it using a red-skinned passport, popularly called a Soviet Passport. It is used by the Migration Department of our Country of Residence as a Travel Document to once again emphasize our Civil Belonging.
That is, in this case, employees of the Lithuanian migration service, on behalf of the migration service of the Europian Union  by agreement with Russian Federation or other countries of the Soviet commonwealth on the basis of internal solidarity, assign citizenship status and issue a corresponding a document on serfbelonging to any social group At the place of residence or origin.
that is, at the discretion of the Lithuanian migration service /the is people resettled to the territory of Lithuania as loyal to the Soviet regime /  other people forcibly resettled or born on the territory of the Soviet Union, as families of German, Polish prisoners of war or families subjected to repression by the Soviet legal system once again fall under the same Soviet repressive machine .

 If Lithuania had officially refused to extradite us on ex Russian Federacion Subjects or other word other ex State Soviet Union, we would not have been offended - no money from it, no legal assistance, no social guarantees. It’s clear that we won’t get any crumbs from this red-assed bastard even if we will be die of hunger, but to offer variant  becaunt all the troubles that we have to endure because of Soviet Union State's policies would be a gesture.
It’s been almost twenty years since I was entitled to only “Temporary Residence” in terms of status of Civil Affiliation. Who divided us and on what basis is probably known only in the secret offices of Lubyanka, but we have any number of problems regarding this matter.
How do we live? - an official who happens to come across this article will ask from offices with large windows. We live like everyone else, problems arise only with the authorities and only with our citizenship. We are specially registered this way for moral, financial, material, legal pressure for the purpose of persecution and extortion pressure. Even if you are a professor,  the last drunkard  from New Guinea is still above us on the social ladder and in terms of the law and in concepts.

 Despite the fact that we have homes, families, businesses and our wives and children here have citizenship of the countries where we live, we are only guaranteed temporary residence. What does it mean? This means that over the years we can establish a business, environment, invest money in a house, but at any moment all this can be broken and crossed out. And mind you, at best, we don’t plan any further - it’s stupid to plan. Oh, they to throw us out to Russia or other ex state Soviet Union like the last homeless people and if you’re lucky it’s  in a summer. Us houses be this period be taken away due to debts or they will certainly be robbed (even the neighbors won’t be able to help), uschildren left without funds can die of hunger or simply freeze and no one will care about them. Social wolkers will arrive when you return, if of course you return, and it is then that they will ask how you live, is there firewood and food in the refrigerator, but will not help in any way. Its goal is not to help you survive, but to take your children away from you. Need showing what we ist russant and all Russian idiots they are, they can’t look after children. Yes, it will be difficult to return, perhaps very difficult, and they may not give you an entry visa.... well, we have to endure  bullying )))
My situation today is somewhat better. My wife couldn’t stand it and left, but the children are registered in my name and I will be with them until the end. I was lucky, if only for this reason, not to separate and bury my children. But am went through everything: camps, illegal residence, and hid children from pedophiles in uniform. Everything was)))
So I ask, why do we need your Lithuanian Russian Citizenship? Yes, it’s better for us not to have any... And we don’t need your patronymics and other bells and whistles, well, we don’t need them.
And in general, why this  on our heads ?

 Or maybe you have a list of my relatives who were exterminated and shot in their Soviet camps, some in Siberia, and some at home in East Prussia. Moreover in the period is 1920-1938. In truth, communism has no borders )))) and most importantly, none of the executioners were punished!
We and you are ENEMIES to the end of the coffin!!! It’s like the Church morals - from Russian Orthodox and Russian Orthodox, although I am a Catholic....

 You want know more ?
Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11:
Episode 1 
Episode 2 
Episode 3 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Myelin dough (fermented dough).


Myelin dough to use baked for various products: large, cakes, various cakes, cakes, pies, cakes, doughnuts, buns, Klingerisi and much more. also for products with filling using meat, fish, eggs, cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots, cottage cheese, apples, berries and other foods. Yeast /myelin/ dough is also called sour. The yeast dough used for leavening contains the sweeteners in flour, carbon dioxide and alcohol. At leavening dough from dough releases carbon dioxide and alcogol.  Among the great variety of studies and formulas, some dough production technology is one that differs in versatility, economy and relative speed of production.
Si formuluote gali buti cituojama, kaip svarbiausia.

Myelin dough - the main recipe

30-50 g of fresh yeast, 0.5 l of milk, 250 g of butter or margarine and 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, 1-1 or 1-2 glasses of vegetable oil, salt (pinch), 700-800 g of flour. Yeast dough must be fresh. It is diluted with warm milk or warm water with the addition of sugar. Salty milk (water) inhibits yeast activity, and cold water leads to complete inhibition.
Milk and milk products (yogurt, curd, yogurt, sour cream, whey, etc.) are useful in the process, improve the properties of tesla, cutting back the duration of the process. Therefore, it is preferable to use dairy products instead of water. Fats give dough flavor to finished products. Test production of snack cakes (fish, meat, mushroom), can be making to chicken, pork and other dairy fats. To keep the dough cakes fresh longer, add vegetable oil.
There should be no fat in the dough container if it exceeds the set amount, because an excess of fat makes it difficult for the yeast to work, so sourdough process the dough is increases or completely stopped, protein flour for limited workability, the dough becomes harder to form, and the final product is not so tasty.
In a flour buns (as well as all bread products, except cookies and some others) should be used, only white, wheat varieties flour. Before form preparing  the dough, you need to sprinkle with flour it. Eggs (especially egg whites) make to hardness, resilience. In this way, products from this dough become obsolete quickly and therefore, it is not recommended to put an egg in doung. However, you can lubricate the surface of the molded product with yolks before baking it, then the cake will have a beautiful amber color after baking.

Preparation of the dough
Yeast dough is mixed in two ways: steamed and non-steamed methods.

Steamed way - this is old way.
It includes two stages: preparation with fermentation, steamtation and fermentation dough. Prepare from flour (half the norm), water (milk), and yeast. When after a stormy fermentation (about 3-4 h) it starts to dissolve, adding to it for baking (sugar, fat), as well as the remaining flour and knead with dough. The dough is placed in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours to ferment. During this period to pressing it . After that, the dough is cut, let it stand and, finally, baking. Due the duration of the technological process of preparing dough in this way, this method is practicaly not used today. For non-steamed metod need less time and more economical.

One more way - non-steamed methods.
This when dough not on one time is mixed with all the ingredients, that is for not one once. Yeast is bred in a small amount of liquid (1 - 2 glasses of milk or water) with sugar (1 tables/soup spoon) and put it in a warm place. Margarine (or other fat) is cut into pieces, put it in a large pot (4-5 l) or preferably a clay pot, pour the remaining sugar and salt into it, mix with the same circular motions. Then melt the margarine a little and mix it with the rest of the liquid. The water/milk should be warm, but not hot - 60C killing bactere yeast. Take half of the flour according to the recipe and sprinkle it (gradually, in parts) through a sieve into a pot (pan) with melted margarine. Sifted flour, when kneading, is enriched with atmospheric oxygen, so the tesla becomes rich and light. Carefully pour the yeast into the sifted flour, thoroughly mix it with the flour. Yeast cannot come into contact in melted margarine at the same time, it will reduce them activity. If the flour is sifted through a sieve In the test dough on the right and left side, everything is gradually formulated .
Use only wooden skewers or wooden spatulas. Mix the dough with rotation only in one direction, which is due to a complex physical and chemical process occurring simultaneously during the dough. When dough rotates in one direction, it causes the flour to swell and harden. The products from this dough are of high quality. In the end, a dough is determined by its consistency. The dough should be light, rich, viscous, elastic, flexible.

The dough must mix be sifted with flour. Cover the pot (pot) with the Dough with a linen napkin or a towel (but not the lid) and put it in a warm place for fermentation. Dough's fermentation temperature should be between 29-32 °C.

Crushing of the dough
When fermentation tests form bubbles of carbon dioxide, which begin accomuliate in masse dough. Too much carbon dioxide slows down in masse of doughthe fermentation process. So that the dough need is periodically released from accumulation gas and enriched with oxygen. For this purpose the dough need crushing. The first crushing of dough is produced 1-1.5 hours after the start of fermentation, the second 1-1.5 hours after the first crushing.

Immediately after the second obminki, the formation of the dough maked in the dough. The dough must be elastic, flexible, soft. It should not stick to the hands. What you need to know before kneading dough on the table, a table need sprinkle with flour. If you want the dough not to stick to the table when you turn, periodically "raise the ruler." To do this, take an ordinary thin wooden ruler with the edges down, gently press it against the doiugh to be rolled out, and with short movements away from it, and along the layers of the dough. Then dough will not stick to the table, it will not very stikly and it will be easier to work with him. The surface of the dough also cannot be too loose, so sprinkle the surface with flour. Dough can be formed on closed and open pies, snacks, cakes, buns, dumplings, cakes, pies, pies, rolls and more.
Using a variety of containers, together with a variety of ways of forming, gives the bread products a variety to ready made variant it  to thans always been famous to hospitable of East Prussia, South Germany, Nord Franch.

Be pagrindiniu, yra ir kitu receptu mieliniai teslai.

Myelin dough (2nd recipe)

4 glasses of flour, 500 g of butter, 50 g of yeast, 4 eggs, 1 - 2 glasses of fine sugar or powdered sugar, a pinch of salt, 1 - 2 glasses of milk.
Melt butter or margarine, remove from heat, cool a little, add egg, pinch salt, mix everything well. Then pour flour on them, add yeast, dissolve in a small amount of milk or water, and knead with dough to make it homogeneous. Pour water into the dough at room temperature so that the water covers it 2 cm thick, cover it with a linen napkin.
After 15-20 minutes, when the dough rises, drain the water, add 1-2 glasses of fine sugar or powdered sugar to the tesla. Then it mix with the dough and immediately shape into a cake. Profing need make the cake at a temperature of 180-200°C

Myelin dough (3nd recipe)

3 glasses of flour, 200 g of butter, 200 g of sour cream, 2 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 1 pinch of salt, 50 g of yeast, 1 - 2 cups of milk.
Melt butter on fire... Melted butter, remove from heat, cool a little, add sour cream, egg, salt, sugar, mix, add flour, pour milk (1 - 2 glasses) with fresh yeast and knead dough. From dough to make cakes with immediately, using a variety of ingredients: meat, fish, cabbage, apple, etc. Profread the cakes eggs and bake them.
Mieline tesla (4-oji dalis)

Myelin dough (4nd recipe)

3 cups of flour, 200 g of butter, 200 g of sour cream, 1-2 eggs, 2 cups of sugar, 1 pinch of salt, 50 g of fresh yeast.
Melt butter in a clay pot or another pot, remove from heat, add salt, sour cream, egg, mix well, then add flour and add diluted milk (3 glasses), yeast and sugar and knead dough to uniform. The mixed dough dones't need  stick to your hands. The dough should be semi-liquid, consistent, so that you can apply it as a thick cream. Cover the Tesla with a towel and store in the refrigerator. When the dough rises after 40 minutes, you can use it for buns, cakes, pies, rolls, using all the ingredients. Pies baked from this dough are sweet, with a soft crust, not stale.

Useful tips for preparing The Dough:
So that the yeast dough does not stick to the table during the process and formation, you should periodically sprinkle the table with flour.
In order to achieve this goal, according to the tesla layer, it is necessary to stimulate from time to time with a thin wooden ruler with diminishing edges, and move up and down arrange the lines according to the tesla layer.
Yeast Dough, it is better to prepare a large portion at once. Then Dough is better: because there is a lot of it, and it heats itself. All processes take place completely, there is a place and time for distribution (mass height), and cakes from this study are tastier and more fragrant. If the test is small, this process is not completely energy, suffering, and the cake will not be strong and tasty. Check it out, then so start baking cakes. Maybe with it's a cake, you'll come to me to visit ! How do I know ?)
Any cake is tastier if it has more filling or it has less dough. The ingradients of dough recipes are provided on a provisional basis, this ratio can be changed according to your taste and desire. In the basic recipe, the components on 1.8-2 kg of dough. from it We can make two or three cakes, for example: meat, mushroom, apple (berry) - everyone has their own taste.
For flour cakes, sift the yeast dough through a sieve during its preparation, even if the use has been checked just before job. Then the tesla will become rich, airy, light, and the finished product - very tasty. Egg for pie dough, it is better not to add egg, especially squirrel, because the yeast dough is hard and heavy, and also it speed up the flowering products.
For dough It is better to use large ceramic pots, because they are reliable and retain heat for a long time. In inside room, where the yeast dough is, you can't open the window or air vents: the yeast dough is "afraid" of the draft, but because it must be kept in a warm place, and even wrapped so that "dough to doesn't get coldin".

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Apple Pie with Cheese or Cottage Cheese...

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Apple Pie with Cheese or Cottage Cheese...

 For Dough:
- flour - 3/4 glasses
- butter - 125g
- grated or soft cheese  - 200g
- egg (yolk) - 1 pc.
- water - 1 soup spoon

 For filling:
- sweet apple - 1 kg
- butter - 4 tbsp
- powdered sugar - 3 tables/soup poons
- cinnamon, lemon juice, grated zest from half a lemon, powdered sugar - to taste

 Sift the flour into a bowl with chopped butter, add the cheese (or cottage cheese) and mix well. Whisk the egg yolk with water and pour into a bowl. Knead the hard dough, wrap it in foil, refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Peel the apples, remove the seeds, cut each into 4 pieces, and fry in butter, add powdered sugar, cinnamon, lemon peel, juice and put everything in a baking tray, put it in the freezer.

Divide the dough into 2 halves and roll out the dough to fit the shape.  Put filling at on Dough smalle portions into the mold. Moisting surface with little water, put  on the apple the sekond halve Dough. Sprinkle the surface with powdered sugar and bake for about 30 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 190C. Cover the cake with whipped cream.

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Myelin dough (fermented dough).

Du sboner Westerwald or Soviet Apocalypse in Easter Prussia, Memel Land

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Genocide of Sovijet in East Prussia

MemelbLand /Klaipeda Lithuania/ today:
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Monday, February 12, 2024


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The Flag of East Prussia, EasterReich
Genocide of Sovijet in East Prussia 
East Prussia Republic

MemelbLand /Klaipeda Lithuania/ today:
Klaipedos apskirtis, Lithuania - The Crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11

Genocide of Sovijet in East Prussia.

 Max Hastings is one of Britain's leading military historians. In his book 'Armageddon: the Battle for Germany, 1944-1945.', based on years of research and the testimony of hundreds of eyewitnesses, military, public and oficial persons, civilians. In book vividly and in a true way describes the events of the last months of the Second World War. Among other things, Hastings reveals the unknown pages of the merciless genocide, rasizm, nacizm of Soviet troops through the eastern regions of Germany.
 As Hastings writes, the first Russian invasion of eastern Germany occurred in October 1944, when Red Army units captured several border villages. Five days later they were driven out of there, and an indescribable picture appeared before the eyes of the German soldiers.
 Hardly a single civilian managed to avoid the death of their loved ones at the hands of Russian soldiers, including at the hands of the Soviet-Lithuanian occupiers,sovjet propagandist and activist of Lithuania. Soviet soldiers overturned carts with refugees, men were crucified on the doors of huts and barns, then women were raped in front of their family, husbands and childrens, and then their crushed under the tracks of tanks. After their they was brutally killed their children.
 Forty French prisoners of war who worked on the surrounding farms were shot by the 'liberators.' The same fate befell the recognized German communists. And these the actions of the Red Army soldiers were not a simple manifestation of senseless cruelty - it was methodical sadism, genocid that had no equal, vurdalac baccanalia.
 “In the yard of the farm there was a cart, to which, in a crucified position, several more naked women were nailed by the arms - The German of Volkssturm Soldier Karl Potrek remember - Near the large inn there is a barn; to each of its two doors there was a woman nailed in a crucified position. the women's clothes were torn to shreds, torn naked, and they were all killed in perverted ways. In residential buildings we found a total of 72 women and girls, as well as one man 74 years old - and also all of them were killed in a brutal manner; only a few had bullet holes in their heads. I there also saw, and babies with broken heads

 Even Soviet publicists of Second Worid War themselves subsequently admitted the facts of atrocities by Soviet military personnel, although they were somewhat embarrassed by atrocities of such a scale. The authors of the official history of the so-called “Great Patriotic War” prepared by Moscow, always very reserved in such matters, admit: 'Not all Soviet soldiers correctly understood how they should behave in Germany. In the first days of fighting in East Prussia, there were masse violations of norms correct behavior.'
 Here, the Soviet authors, to put it mildlyalways deliberately veil reality to the possible desired. were what In fact, as researcher Klaus Nordbruch writes in his work 'Allied Plans about the Destruction of the German People.' - 'The military command and political leadership of the USSR alwey actively encouraged the Red Army to plunder German cities and rape German women and us everyone well knows the misanthropic works of I. Ehrenburg, who demanded that even pregnant women and infants be killed'. And here’s what Soviet prisoners of war talked about during interrogations:
'Before entering German soil, the officers gave us instructions according to which the property of the German civilian needed be destroyed, looted and expropriated, and the German man and womans population could be treated like animal. Kill mans, womens raped.'
 'Two weeks ago, the platoon commander told us that soldiers could openly rob kill and rappe on German soil.'
 'Before, it was forbidden to take trophies, but now, on German soil, it is no longer punishable. Everyone can take as much as they can carry.'
 'The company commander and platoon commander said that on German territory they could rob and assault German women with impunity.'

However, Hastings continues, what happened during these first attacks was only a harbinger of the horror that Soviet soldiers and officers committed as they moved deeper into the Third Reich. More than Hundred Million People of Germany found themselves in a dark labyrinth where they faced horrors unseen in modern human history.

Claims that Soviet soldiers were allegedly taking revenge for “atrocities committed by the Nazis in their own country” do not stand up to criticism. Upon closer examination, it turns out that cases of “fascist atrocities” are inventions of the Soviet propaganda machine, which worked at full capacity during the Second World War. A many crimes attributed to the Nacists of Germans (including the shooting of Polish officers in the Katyn Forest and other) were actually committed by NKVD detachments.*

 After the preemptive attack Germany on the USSR in June 1941, German soldiers witnessed unprecedented lawlessness and horrors perpetrated by an organized criminal group of Socialists that usurped all state institutions, legal and security departments in the name from the Sovijet Party of Communists. Many of them are described in the shocking collection of soldiers' letters, 'The Soviet Union through the Eyes of German Soldiers' edited by Wolfgang Dieverge. Fred Fahlnbeagle says: 'I saw prisons in Lvov, and I saw things that deeply shocked me. There were people with their ears and noses cut off, etc. They nailed living children to the wall, subjecting them to torture. The blood reached their ankles. For them It didn't really matter whether they were alive or dead simple poured gasoline into the piles of bodies and set them on fire. The stench was terrible. I saw similar things and in Ternopil and Trebovlya.'
 Another soldier, Paul Rubelt, in a letter home to writes : 'I was in Lviv yesterday and saw a bloodbath. It was monstrous. sovijet kommunists many civil peopls were skinned, men were castrated, their eyes were gouged out, arms or legs were cut off. Some were nailed to wall, 30-40 people were walled up in a small room and they suffocated. In this area alone we counted at least 650 corpses disfigured by terrible torture. The only way to hide from this stinking stench was by smoking a cigarette and holding a handkerchief to your nose...' In this city, like other settlements, Sovijet Zionists (the Jews) also opened graves of people tortured by sinister torture and to desecrated them corpses. It's terrible. It's hard to even believe that such non people exist.'  
 Lieutenant Lorenz Wachter writes: “I really cannot describe what we saw in Lvov. The reality is It is much, much worse than how the German press describes it. It's hard to describe in words, you have to see it - 'Even the stench from the corpses, which could be felt at a great distance from The prison walls were enough to make a man sick. And the scene itself: hundreds horribly mutilated of murdered men, women and children, . The men's eyes were gouged out, the priest's stomach was ripped open, and the body of a murdered baby was placed there. I could telling more and more terrible things, but even it shocked mealthough I am a soldier and should get I used to such to things.'
 And here it the picture that appeared before the eyes of the German soldier K. Saffner in the same Lvov: 'When we arrived, a gray cloud hung over Lvov. The stench was almost unbearable. The Sovijet Army were driven out of the city after a heavy battle and Two hours later I discovered the source of this monstrous smell. The Sovijet Zionists of bolshevick  brutally murdered 12,000 Germans and Ukrainians. I saw pregnant women hung by their feet in the GPU prison, there the Bolsheviks cut off their noses, ears, eyes, fingers, arms and hands and feet, some even had their hearts torn out. In other place 300 orphans ranging in age from two to seventeen were nailed to the wall and mercilessly killed. After they finished the torture, they threw the people, most of whom were still alive, they did threwid into a three-meter deep basement, doused them with gasoline and set them on fire. This it was terrible! We could not believe that such monsters existed. Why our propagandists do not talk enough about the true face of Bolshevism. The day we entered Lvov, the surviving Ukrainians gathered 2,000 Jews in prison and carried out revenge, but first the Jews had to carry out all the dead and load them onto carts. The police kept furious people away. It was a heartbreaking sight to see women mourning their husbands and children, and men with faces white with anger and horror. This terrible scene cannot be expressed in words. This is what threaten the German people if Bolshevism reached us.'

 Alas, the above words turned out to be a gloomy prophecy. In 1945, residents of Germany and Eastern European countries had to experience all horrors of the Sovijet Socializm.
 As Hastings notes, a particularly difficult fate befell German prisoners of war. Military doctor Nikolai Senkevich, who worked in a field hospital, says that if in a group of German prisoners of  don't be who  was no one who could answer questions in Russian: 'We simply took them 100 meters to the side and  and  shot them.'
 Most of the Germans who surrendered never saw a prisoner of war camp. 'We killed prisoners just like that - says captain Vasily Krylov, and snaps his fingers - 'If soldiers were ordered to deliver prisoners to the rear, most often they were 'killed while trying to escape.'
 Other Sovjet Solider Witold Kubashevsky recalls how unbearable it was for him to shoot prisoners, and how he tried not to look the doomed people in the eyes, but like everyone else, he shot, following criminal orders.
 'There is one rule in war - you go into battle, you see the enemy, the enemy for you is not a person, - recalls Sergeant Nikolai Timoshenko - Raising your hands will not save him.'
 Stalin's soldiers were advised to keep "registers of retribution", recording data on fictitious "German atrocities" and recording personal contributions to "settling scores" with the enemy. For the same purposes, political instructors held “retaliation rallies,” calling on Soviet soldiers to murder and looting.

 And when this “revenge-seeking” horde entered Germany, it presented a ominours sight. Sovijet socialists, Stalin did not care at all how many people would die to ensure them victory, and the successful attacks of they infantry and tanks were based more on the self-sacrifice of soldiers (who were usually drunk with vodka beforehand) than on cunning of tactics or forethought.

 A dozen 'thirty-fours' advanced in one, continuous line, tank to in tank. If the Germans did knocked out four or five of them, but new tanks invariably appeared in their place, followed by waves of infantry.
 One German soldier recalls: “You simply won’t believe it - they kept walking and walking, their infantry literally rushed at our tanks, to didrunning, screaming, even when mountains of corpses were already piled up in front of them positions. Involuntarily the thoughd did appeared: 'What can be stopped such people ?'
 Especially the Soviet Red Army Soliders were merciless in hand-to-hand combat, and in night combat. All German soldiers who visited the Eastern Front and then found themselves on the Western Front unanimously note that during the battles with the Americans and the British they were able to move freely at night, while the Russians did not give rest to them for a minute.
 One of the favorite tricks of Soviet reconnaissance groups operating at night was to cut the throats of German sentries and then leave the mutilated corpses as a warning to their surviving comrades.

 The figures of Soviet losses to this day are a source of unnatural pride for many veterans. 'Of course, in the Red Army always they treated human life with disdain, - notes artilleryman Vladimir Gormin - Nobody knew how many people died, and no one cared.'
 The generals simple launched their “shock armies” into frontal attacks, regardless of the danger of enemy counterattacks or encirclement. 'If the Germans cut them off, everytime they remained surrounded for weeks, they ran out of food, fuel, ammunition, - says one Russian officer. - but consequently they need be to fought well to escape the encirclement.'
 The Red Army soldiers were distinguished by extreme indiscipline, fueled by monstrous drunkenness: more Sovijet soliders say excessive consumption of vodka was the only thing that somehow helped them endure everyday life at the front.
 Even the tireless efforts of firing squads (Stalin preferred to keep his soldiers in line in this way) could not stop people from excesses, often leading to mass death of themselves Soviet military personnel. One day when soldiers of Red Army from one of the brigades captured a tank with metil alcohol, they opened fire on it, and when alcohol sprayed out from hundreds of holes, they simply began to expose their mouths to the stream. Many drank to the point of insensibility and paid for it with their lives. Three other soldiers who tried to do the same trick but with a huge barrel of wine in one of the Hungarian wine cellars simply drowned in it stream.
 Well and The recklessness of Soviet soldiers behind the wheel is legendary. The sovijet army motor transport service posted signs on the roads saying “Slow down or was die!”, but dozens of truck drivers thoughtlessly was ignoring these warnings - and actually died. So for example sovijet oficer Vladimir Gordin once was saw three trucks from a convoy fall into the abyss one after another. Or this one case: one soldier from the tank unit where Soviet army private Valentin Krulik served decided to joke: he put on a German jacket, helmet,  burst into the dugout to oficers where they was resting and wavinged a Schmeisser and shouting 'Hände hoch!' and one of a comrades of oficers managed to shoot the “artist” before anyone recognized him. Everyone present thought it was very witty.  

Of course, not all Soviet soldiers were fools - or 'heroes'. In the very first battle, seventeen-year-old Anatoly Osminov turned gray when bullets rained down on the armor of his tank. He also admits that he shit his pants out of fear and this happened to many soldiers on all fronts. 'Then you get used to danger, just as you get used to killing people, - he says. - At first I thought: 'How can I kill a person?' But then I realized: either you kill, or they kill to you.'

Even today, many Russians - and indeed the government itself, maybe - refuse to acknowledge the true extent of the reckless atrocities that the Red Army committed on its way to Berlin, both against the people of Germany and against their own soldiers. However, in 1945, the command of the Red Army undoubtedly believed that it was quite natural that its soldiers behaved like wild animals on German soil. This did be, but today as we wach repeats, then it was Poland, Finland, Germany, today they are at war with themselves. The Folk of Sovijet contra The Sovijet Folk !

 Today we can confidently state the fact that on the scale of the local European space, East Prussia suffered the most from the atrocities of the Soviet occupiers. Before the armed social revolution in the Russian Empire and subsequent events in Lithuania on behalf of the Lithuanian socialists, East Prussia /The Easterreich/ was the fiefdom of many families of German aristocrats. Even in the first years of the war was a quiet province living almost as if in peacetime. After the invasion of The Soviet Troops here into into a complete Hell. And here there is no shortage of eyewitness accounts.
 'We all knew that German girls need be raped and killed, - wrote Alexander Solzhenitsyn, an artillery officer during the war - This was perceived almost as military valor.'
 He is echoed by Gabriel Temkin, who served as a translator in the 78th Infantry Division: 'The easiest way to take revenge Germans this is to take possession of the German`s women.'

No, it wasn't revenge. Soviet people never took revenge for any manifestation of cruelty either towards themselves, or towards their relatives or close people. They did not take revenge on their Soviet leaders for the senseless murders, bullying, famines, pogroms. They have never taken revenge, are not taking revenge and will not take revenge on either their Soviet leaders or other Soviet public and official persons, since they take this evil for granted and themselves massively take part in it. The bestial cruelty on the part of the Soviet occupation forces towards the German people was caused by the awareness of their own inferiority. The is An act of self-assertion of the more primitive over the more perfect. The is an instinctive act of anger for one’s own flawed abilities, opportunities and prospects, and onto The VolksDeutsches they thus realized the opportunity to satisfy your sick ego. And here on example in East Prussia we see, what Soviet Red Army soldiers raped women in such numbers that it was clearly not about purely sexual satisfaction, but about the desire to treat outrageously over an entire people.
 The rage of the conquerors was boundless when they first saw with their own eyes how  the Germans lived. 'Their villages and towns looked like heaven on earth compared to ours - says Lieutenant Gennady Klimenkoput - Everything was so well-groomed. So many beautiful buildings. They were much richer than us.'
 What the soldiers saw did indeed contradict many years of propaganda about the benefits of a socialist economy. It is precisely the fury of awareness of one’s own inferiority and inferiority, caused by the prosperity of the VolksDeutsches against the backdrop of one’s own poverty and wretchedness after decades of “belt-tightening”, that can explain why Soviet soldiers, like madmen, destroyed everything that came to hand.
 The looting of German territories in the conquester of Soviet Army lokal Europa was on an epic scale - this was facilitated by the order that existed in the Red Army, according to which every soldier could send home a parcel with trophies once a month. And everything was sent to the Soviet Union - food, drinks, livestock, clothes, jewelry. If a civilians foolishly complained about looting, the soldiers would simply kill them and set their houses on fire.

In the face of this all-hating offensive, the German civil population of East Prussia fled without looking back: in its horror, this outcome was one of the darkest in history nowday humans.
 During one of the coldest winters of the twentieth century, hundreds of thousands of civilians (a lucky few in carts, most on foot) streamed west along a narrow corridor of snow-covered plains between the closing pincers of the Soviet advance. Only one thing mattered - to escape from the Russians. The roads were clogged with transportes, horses, living people and the roadsides with corpses. Dead babies lay right in the snow. Some refugees, horrified by this deadly chaos, turned home, saying: 'Maybe the Russians are not as scary as they as to us  say.' Later they could only regret this decision. Having caught up with the columns of refugees, Russian troops shot them with cannons and machine guns. There was no military need for this - it was only about all-consuming hatred.

 Those who could not escape by land tried to escape by sea and for them this became one of the darkest episodes of their lives. In the Baltic ports of Germany, thousands of people tried to get a seat on ships sailing to the local germany - many ended up in the water,  someone slipping  in a crush on the pier, someone the crowd was unwittingly pushed into the water from wharf.
 In order to evacuate the civilian population and the wounded, stood up for loading in the port of Gdańsk, not far from Danzig the ship 'Wilhelm Gustloff' - it was a cruise liner - . The standard technical specifications include a maximum displacement of 1,900 passengers with crew. On the promenade deck, in order to provide emergency assistance to victims of the atrocities of the Soviet military, a surgical department was equipped in advance. That day, there were more than 6,000 people on the passenger list, including wounded people with severed limbs and pregnant women. When the Gustlov  left the pier, it was surrounded by a whole flotilla of boats filled with refugees begging to be taken on board - women with children in their arms. Taking pity, the crew lowered the loading nets from the sides. another 2,000 people climbed onto the ship using them. Those who succeeded experienced great relief - but, alas, all they were doomed. Leaving the harbor, the old, overloaded Gustlov  became an easy target for the Soviet submarine captain Alexander Marinesko, who intercepted the liner and fired for him torpedoes at point-blank range, as usual, with the slogans: “For the Motherland!”, “For Stalin!”, “For the Soviet people!”. Three deafening explosions were heard, the Wilhelm Gustlov tilted heavily and sank after 70 minutes. The victims of this disaster, the largest in the history of navigation of the 20th century, eclipsing the death of the Titanic or Lusitania, were 7,000 people - childrens,  civilians, pregnant womens, woundeds, and disableds people.
 Hundreds of young women from the auxiliary unit of the German Navy, children, and pregnant women were lucky enough to die instantly - one of the torpedoes exploded right under the room where they were placed, but for the wounded, sick, and disabled people the death was long and painful. Many people were trapped between watertight bulkheads and died as martyrs. There was chaos on board. The sailors tried in vain to curb the maddened crowd that rushed up from the lower decks. A steward who survived the disaster said that while running past one of the cabins, he saw a Navy officer standing with a pistol in his hand over the corpses of a woman and child: another child was clutching his leg in horror. 'Get out!' - the officer shouted and the steward closed the door it was an act of mercy.
Of the few who managed to get into the boats, many froze to death without waiting for the rescuers, who arrived at the scene of the disaster only at dawn. War... Out of 8,000, only 949 people survived. However, the terrible tragedy of 'Wilhelm Gustloff' drowned, lost in the stream of dirty Soviet propaganda of hatred towards the German people, where Soviet socialists, nazis, racists, sionists of all stripes, without really delving in the meaning and content, into a fit of abskultizm and euphoria, tried to outshout each other. By the way, in the 90s, the Soviet government erected a monument to the perpetrator of the tragedy, A. Marinesko, which is a real mockery and an insult to the memory of thousands of innocent people killed.

Königsberg, East Prussia is a fortress city, the only fortified city with deeply echeloned engineering structures on the route of Soviet troops to central Europe. Soviet troops bombed this city to the ground with as massive artillery fire and bombing under the cover of allied aviation. And yet there, the Soviet assault groups had to fight for every meter, using heavy artillery, armored vehicles, mortars, flamethrowers to destroy the defenders who did not want to surrender. 'I have never encountered such fierce resistance as in Koenigsberg,' recalls one Russian officer.
 When the Red Army eventually captured the city, their atrocities knew no bounds and they massacred thousands of thousands of the region's ethnic inhabitants. One doctor recalls their desperate cries of 'Shoot me!', 'Shoot me!', but the torturers chose a slow death for their victims. Women were raped and killed right in the maternity wards of hospitals. Michael Wieck, one of those who managed to survive in this bloody meat grinder, recalls: 'They killed every man they met, and raped every woman. At night, screams and pleas for help were heard from everywhere, they locked people in basements and set houses on fire, they they as catles drove civilians to former battlefields in the vicinity of the city and there they  them en did masse shot or burned  alive.'
 The bloody winter of East Prussia is one of the most terrible episodes of the Second World War. We are all still furious to this day that the criminal atrocities of the Soviet ghouls were justified by socialist propaganda of ethnic hatred and intolerance to everything that was beyond the Soviet wretchedness of understanding and thus legitimized. All of us, ethnic Germans whose loved ones and relatives went through the hell of Soviet concentration camps, are outraged that the world knows so little about the tragedy of an entire people. My mother, our family from East Prussia /Easterreich/, told me: 'We didn’t kill the Jews, they were killed by Soviet socialist Jews, and the next Holocaust was ours, but no one cares about that.'
 Be that as it may, Hastings writes, few people are able to think without indignation about the fate that befell and East Prussia and all over Germany Peopls, especially since this was not dictated by military necessity.

Soviet veterans are trying to justify their actions by “German atrocities committed in the Soviet country,” but:
Firstly, this is completely unacceptable from a moral point of view. German soliders, civilians, including women and children, had nothing to do with what was happening in the distant land of the Soviets. It was not they who built Stalin’s labor death camps, they were not the ones who organized famines, not bombed Finnish cities, and shot captured Poles, and other... and other.
secondly, these veterans still have not understood that everything that Soviet propaganda presents as “German atrocities” are shameless inventions of the Soviet Zionist-Bolshevik clique, which for more than a quarter of a century tormented everyone who came within its zone of influence and exterminated dozens millions of the best, promoting and institutionalizing the worst.
And in 1941, the Soviet Zionist-racist-Nazi the ghouls, for the first time in their history, found themselves in mortal danger and they had to raise the downtrodden and stupid Soviet people to fight the righteous anger of Europeans of demanding retribution. Here... for these target they to invent  countless evidence of atrocities allegedly committed by Wehrmacht soldiers and SS in the territorys occupied by an organized criminal group of Soviet social Zionists, Nazis, and racists.
 During the period of the preventive attack by Germany, at the time of June 22, 1941, the USSR was a gigantic concentration camp, from under the gates of which rivers of blood flowed. The German attack stopped the process of extermination of the Soviet people and the stories about the supposedly subsequent “fascist atrocities” - the usual black propaganda that allows you to hide, veil the scale of Soviet atrocities by shifting the blame for the same Jewish holocausts the shoulders of the German people. Those who at that time lived in the territories liberated from the Soviet plague, and these are numerous documented eyewitness accounts, confirm that the German army was a liberator, not an occupier, and the Germans treated the civilian population in a very civilized manner. And confirmation of this is the very existence as jurisdictions of such countries as Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. It was the advance of the German army deep into Soviet territories that allowed these countries, for the first time in many years of imperial Russian history, to raise the question of their own statehood.
 Few people know, but I saw this document with my own eyes, did signed  by from Comrade. Stalin dated November 17, 1941, secret directive No. 0428, in which special sabotage detachments were ordered to dress in German uniforms, cross the front line and commit lawlessness, kill civilians in the territories liberated from the Soviet Nazis, where they were ordered to leave several people alive, who would were able to tell that these crimes were committed by The German Liberation Army.

The “unnecessary victory” in the Baltics cost the Soviet army dearly - 600,000 killed and wounded, which is slightly less than the total losses of Anglo-American troops in the entire campaign on the German Front.

Later they had to pay even more. Seeing what happened in East Prussia, the entire German people realized that there was simply no point in trying to live to see the Soviet victory. They had no choice but to fight to the end. Due to the fact that the victors prepared only death and unimaginable suffering for the vanquished, Stalin’s armies suffered enormous losses on the way to Berlin. Remember the song - Die Fahne hoch - "SA marschiert Mit ruhig festem Schritt Kam'raden, die Rotfront Und Reaktion erschossen, marschier’n im Geist In unser’n Reihen mit.” It was this song that became the slogan of all of Germany at that difficult time, in the struggle of the German ethnic group for its existence against world Zionism, Nazism, and racism, which demanded the destruction of the entire German people.

After the signing of the surrender by the German command, neither the suffering of civilians nor the suffering of the Soviet "Liberators" ended. An unprecedented ethnic cleansing of the German population living in the eastern territories of Germany followed. As historian Ingomar Pust writes in his book “Screams from Hell” (Ingomar Pust, “Schreie aus der Hölle ungehört. Das totgeschwiegene Drama der Sudetendeutschen”, 1998), in 1945-1946, under the supervision of the Sovijet Red Army and with the approval of the United States and Great Britain, killed and deported: 2.3 million Germans - from East Prussia, 0.6 million - from Danzig, 3.1 million - from Lower Silesia, 3.4 million - from Upper Silesia, 0.9 million - from Brandenburg, 1 million from Pomerania, 0.3 million from West Prussia, 1 million from Poznan and 1 million from Warthegau, which is 13.6 million people. If this should be added 3 million Sudeten Germans and 1.5 million Germans from Hungary, Yugoslavia and Romania. In total, over 18 million Germans were expelled from their lands, including from territories divided among themselves, according to the Potsdam conference between the Soviet republics - Poland, Lithuania and Russia. 2.5 million of them died in the process of expulsion in a Sovietish concentration camps, many were simply brutally murdered in extrajudicial massacres and were not included in official statistics.
Alas, their dying cries went unheard !

Max Hastings. Armageddon: The Battle For Germany 1944-1945. Alfred A. Knopf, NY, 2004.
Klaus Nordbruch. Allied plans to destroy the German people. "Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung" № 5(1), 2001.
Wolfgang Dieverge. The Soviet Union through the eyes of German soldiers. Berlin: Wilhelm Limpert-Verlag, 1941.
Ingomar Pust. "Schreie aus der Hölle ungehört. Das totgeschwiegene Drama der Sudetendeutschen". Sersheim: Hartmann-Verlag, 1998.

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