Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Nov 2, 2011 - Lithuania, Rietavas - my last fight !

 Today is very bad day, black day... i losed to lithuania EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS !!!

They write me :

That is, in this example /in this principle/ and according to the presented documentary basis, we see that the encouragement of permissiveness and impunity, the legalization of criminal groups in the former Soviet space within the framework of jurisdiction comes precisely from Strasbourg.

Whay ? potomu cto idet podmena realnosti na kon'jukturnoe zhelaemoe, a eto v svoju ochered promotion organizovannyh criminal groop uzurpirovavshih organy justicii po vsemu regionu vostochnoi i lokalnoi Evropy !

And I know what will happen next !

At first there will be very strong financial and material pressure, which will be difficult for me to cope with.

They will restrict my access to income, cash savings and block all income resources, in the zone of their influence and access.

then they will demand from us payment for services that will be imposed against our will and knowledge, payment for utilities that exceed our actual expenses, so that it will be impossible to pay for all this and not live, and it will be extremely difficult for us to survive. When we have nothing to live on they will take our children away from us and make claims against my property and the property of my family.

Further, Lithuanian public and official persons plan to exercise their criminal  against me through the Russian Office of the Chief Intelligence Directorate and without any legal grounds, based on falcified documents and personal affiliations of Lithuanian and Russian officials, the Klaipeda Consulat of Russia, and transfer me to the hands officials of the Russian Office of the Chief Intelligence Directorate.

In this way they plan to receive my social savings, my social package, my and my femil's estate and real estate, my investments in the Lithuanian economy, my business, my income.

Also a Lithuanian public persons through his relatives and closed them person want to plan has receive income from the maintenance of the remaining as a result of their operational actions without legal, moral, material, financial support of children and from the beginning of their independent life !

Tell me, is this criminal?!
Yes !, this is criminal and Strasbourg, through its own decision, has been justify and legalized and  criminal activity by active Lithuanian public and official persons, thereby furthering criminality in EU regions such as Lithuania !

The other crimes with documentary evidence on the part of the Lithuanian regime real exist, but which the official Strabourg does not want to talk about and investigate it, including high treason, sabotage by official Vilnius in relations with the EU and with the democratic community as a whole:


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