Saturday, October 26, 2024

Aug 27, 2012 - Theory of Nationalism, 88 articls from David Lain.

One Nation, One State, One Faith!

88 articls from David Lain ( David Eden Lane, November 2, 1938 - May 28, 2007)

1. if a faith or science,  contradict the law of nature - this is Lies.

2. Man all time believes in God, or Gods.  In the Law of Nature, there is an apprehension of the Supreme Power, and this cannot be deny.

3. Religion and Faith - between them exist conflict, and Faith often contradicts Religion.  Nature and its rules and Faith create the Highest Power.  Religions are made for fool men, to err is human.  Religion can be useful, but so can destroit to evil for Country.

4. Only that person its sincerely united with Nature will understending its majesty and hidden infinite target in the macrocosmos.  On the one hand, you are nothing, an insignificant particle in front of Nature, but on the other hand, you are the highest jewel in the chain of common destiny, without which the chain cannot exist.  Thus all uniteging wich a honor and a dignity.  As peopls approach the harmony of Nature, people with Nature will approach Pozitiv Evoliution, Peace, and Hope on Future.

5. The feodal belonging system favors and promotion religions that teach non-resistance to predators. This kills instincts, thus religion separates the humanity of predators and their victims.

6. All history teaches people to deceive, the one who leads this, he receives the profit from it.

7. Religions are a particularly convenient form of signifying the symbolic mianings belonging to a Enic Groop and its culture. Multietnition religions in one destroys logic sistems the moral and legal norms, sense of uniqueness, exclusiveness, destroys the self-respect necessary for the survival of Country.

8. What people call supernatural or unknownural only to what a person does not want or cannot understand.

9. Conflicts in the justice system lead to dependence and loss of freedom, thus weakening the Country.

10. If the unity of the Contry, because of Multi moral and legal norms weakens, will be a Contry degradation and the Government will be forced to fill this void.

11. A Truth does not need to be explained at length, a truth and way for truth all time is undesting one must beware of long and incomprehensible explanations, demagogy.

12. A Truth not afraid a Investigations.

13. Unfounded, unreliable research of 'truth', as well as unfounded expectations, desires and aspirations, can have catastrophic consequences.

14. According to the laws of Nature, there is no more morally justified struggle as for the interests of one’s family, country, ethnic group.

15. There is no higher motivation than the laws of Nature, therefore these laws are always true and fair.

16. The ability to recognize the cause is a healthy step in social development. Dying ethnic groups, countries, civilizations, cultures and races on average pay attention only to external factors.

17. The greatest achievement of social development is the ability to recognize meaning, the ability to recognize differences, to recognize mistakes, and not to replace reality with imaginary desires.

18. Gamtos Taisyklems nera vietos, nera teises, nei privilegijoms. Kai alkanas Liutas prisiveja Elnia, jis neturi teises gyventi. Bet jis gali uzkariauti savo gyvybe musyje. Taip pat zmones neturi teises gyvenimui, laisvei, laimei. Viskas turi buti uztarnauta ir uzkariauta ji, jo seima, jo gentis. Tik taip gali buti suvokti tikras vertinimas givenimo, laisves, laimes.

19. Coutrys to those are not in their wisdom and value will be erased from the World Society.

20. It should never be forgotten that the European peoples have suffered for millennia from invaders from Asia and Africa. Attila the Hun conquered all of Europe in the fifth century. In the eighth century, the Moors conquered Spain, Portugal and southern France, and eight centuries later Genghis Khan drove the Mongols out of Italy into the Red Sea, and today there is an active, creeping occupation of resources, territory, income, technology and privilege.

21. If Europens countres allowe representatives of other cultures to live with its ethnic groups, it will die out. All the European ethnic groups today them a small part of humanity and because future can could cease to exist.

22. The ability to find a way to survive for local etnicheskih groups is a mandatory criterion for evaluating sushestvujushei deistvitelnosti. Esli one local etnish groop of Europa perestanut sushestvovat v tom ili inom regione eto privedet k degradacii vseh Evropeiskih Etnicheskih groop, chto privedet k negativnomu izmeneniju moralno pravovyh norm, sposobnostei, obrazovaniju, kachestva zhizni in All European Countres.

23. If the extinction of any European Ethnic Group occurs, the Socio-Economic Systems may be destroyed and will not be able to be restored. The able representatives of then or another ethnic group die together with its members once and for all.

24. Ethnic groups, families, and individuals cannot survive without sufficient living space for their survival, their own territory.

25. Ethnic groups, families, and people without property will die out.

26. Antipathy between representatives of different ethnic groups, families, peoples is created by nature. They must preserve individuality, ciltures and personal existence.

27. Hatred towards other etnosam, familes or people is not constructive. But all ethnic groups, families, peoples must defend themselves with their weight and they must be restrained. Hatred should be only those who commit crimes against your ethnic group, family, personality and they betrayal.

28. The concept of a mixture of a multinational, multi-religious, multi-moral, multi-legal society, as a confederation, from Judaism and contradicts the Laws of Nature.

29. The concept of equality is contrary to the Laws of Nature. All people have different abilities, upbringing and as a consequence intelligence and education.

30. The revived instincts have a natural origin and preserve ethnic, clan, diasporic individuality.

31. Adherence to cults, symbols, desires is an instilled instinctive egoism, an unnatural instinctive preference.

32. The mixing of representatives of non-European origins of representatives of ethnic groups, clans, diasporas with European ones has always been a great danger for European ethnic groups, since it will lead to their own degradation and extinction of European rise  families and as a consequence of ethnic groups, clans, diasporas.

33. The heterogeneous demography of the European space as a mixture with representatives of ethnic groups of non-European origin is suicide for representatives of European genuses . Today, many European families cannot afford to have families, children because of due to personal responsibility, since resources and funds are distributed mostly to support families, clans, diasporas of non-European origin and regions which families, clans, diasporas of non-European origin.

34 Sexual instincts are a natural mechanism of evolution etnish groups.

35. Homosexuality kills ethnic groups, familes, klans, diarpors because same-sex relationships do not produce birst results. This can be used as a tool in the fight for the dominance of representatives of one or another ethnic group in any region, but it is a crime in relations with related ethnic groups, clans, families, or diasporas.

36. Pornography is a weapon aimed at degradation and destruction of sexual instincts, erotic art is a catalyst for sexual relations. One should distinguish one from the other and not pass off the desired sexual satisfaction by an unnatural path as a real sexual relationship.

37. Representatives of any ethnic group experience disgust and indignation if they see sexual relations between representatives of their ethnic group and representatives not related to their relative ethnic groups. Men may take this as a personal insult.

38. Sick, dying ethnic groups and civilizations treat the traditional values ​​of their people with disdain and replace them with a cult of symbols, personalities, names, calling it 'patriotism'.

39. People who ignore their own real history and replace it with myths about their own importance and greatness, who appropriate to themselves a merit of representatives of other ethnic groups, families, clans, diasporas, persons destroy the individuality of their people and its future.

40. The greatest honor and respect is deserved by the one who gives his life, time of life for the freedom and survival of his family, clan, diaspora, ethnic group.

41. A persons are part of a family, families are part of a clan, clans are part of an ethnic group, ethnic groups are part of a diaspora. Ethnic loyalty must be above geographical and personal interests publick and oficial persons. If humanity understands and accepts this, there will be no more fratricidal wars.

42. Serving the public interest is self-sacrifice and not a way to obtain personal benefits, income, or privileges for self or for self close.

43. Leaders of families, clans, ethnic groups, diasporas, and countries should not use official powers for the purpose of obtaining personal benefits, privileges, or income.

44. No Leader, public or official person should redistribute goods, incomes, privileges with the purpose of giving to someone and taking away from another. The country's leaders, public and official persons should guarantee moral and legal norms within the country, outside the country, external relations and the country's defense.

45. A parties for the implementation of nationalist leadership should not have a social focus on redefining benefits, privileges, incomes for any kind of social identity. Socialism, communism and social democracy, social liberalism are the most dangerous forms of ethnic leadership. They fight against the abilities of the individual and seek to destroy the natural system of distribution according to moral standards, abilites, educations with the aim of redistributing the country's property according to fictitious properties and qualities of social persons, clans, diasporas. They have a goal - to obtain personal powers of control over justice and the economy with the aim of obtaining personal and group benefits, privileges, incomes.

46. The self-government of the country controls the means of dissemination of information within the country by means of language censorship, and also ensures the dissemination of information outside the country by presenting wishful thinking as reality and distorting information for partners by means of translation. Therefore, the administration of such a country uses the local language to control propaganda inside and outside. The struggle for the dominance of lesser-known languages ​​within regions; the struggle for control over forms of information, propagands and thinking.

47. The propaganda of socialist ideologies is determined not by common sense, not by pragmatism, but by emotional components, which are based on the worship of cults, symbols, names without any meaning or content.

48. The highest stage of development of socialist society is war. The system cannot independently provide for the needs of its inhabitants, and it tries to preserve its right to exist by exploiting the intelligence and abilities of other, more developed countries, diasporas, ethnic groups and clans.

49. In a socially unequal system, the rules contradict the norms of morality and justice according to law social principles. A totalitarian authoritarian system cannot exist within the framework of law and order, it lives according to the understanding of dictators, passing off wishful thinking as reality, which in itself is illegal and qualifies as fraud.

50. If social dictators disappear, strong leaders in science, economics and public relations will appear. Their goal is to unite peoples and restore the high law of Nature - the distribution of social and material goods according to real moral qualities, abilities, education.

51. Members criminal sindicat of the system of social inequality will do everything possible to maintain the dominance of their family, clan, ethnic group, country.

52. A criminal group that uses the system of social distribution to satisfy its own social and material benefits cannot be eliminated except by force.

53. Under the guise of patriotism, the representatives of the dominant criminal group conceive of selfless service to their personal interests and the interests of their family, clan, and ethnic group.

54. The propaganda of a criminal social group that has usurped the mechanisms of justice, law and order, and the economy is always based on lies, fraud, and emotional manipulation of public opinion.

55. A criminal group always hides behind public opinion, concealing the true motives of its dominance under a political movement, a means of satisfying the desires of the masses. Politics is a means of achieving a goal, but it is not a target.

56. The criminal social group that has usurped the mechanisms of justice, law and order and the economy always uses emotional-patriotic slogans, masking its criminal activity, dictatorship and tyranny.

57. Propaganda of terrorist criminal groups requires widespread power, finance, and weapons for the fight. The fight for social privileges, material wealth, social rights as impunity, impunity and arbitrary for criminal terrorist groups that have usurped Legal Law and the Right institutions.
Elements of successful propaganda:
- Simplicity;
- Emotionality;
- Repetition;
- Impudence.
Without any realy  justification - "We do what you think, what you care about"

58. The criminal system want controling for  what you to think. Freedom teaches how need to think.

59. Beware of people who profit from demagogy. And most importantly, beware of lawyers, propagandists and public figures who deny reality and replace it with an imaginary desire, thereby manipulating public opinion.

60. Patriotism is based on the ideological mifs of a criminal group destroys the enemies of the criminal group, including relatives, close friends, and allies them members. All members of the criminal group are afraid to repeat their fate.

61. The Gods of War always dominate the Gods of Peace. Fear is a more convincing argument than moral and words.

62. Social and public relations of regions should be formed in accordance with the norms of morality and right of families, clans, diaspor and ethnic groups. Social and public relations should be formed in such a way as to preserve family, clanes, diaspor and ethnic groups of the region and make their life worthy and useful for development, science, economics and public relations themselves.

63. Anyone who allows a members criminal terrorist group to usurp justice, the right, influence the media, science, religion, art, finance, and the legal sphere will digraded and disappear.

64. Laws are based on moral and legal social relations, they do not require long explanations. The meaning of the Laws is the life experience of past generations, the consequences of breaking the laws are always inevitable.

65. Any systematically organized terrorist group is guided by emotional efficiency and reacts more sensitively to mass rallies, manifistations, and what to documented publications.

66. The foundations of justice as rights and law depend primarily on moral norms and the manifestation of the will of the inhabitants of region.

67. Pacifists who do not resist the lawlessness of crime, elevated to the level of social relations, will be slaves of an organized criminal terrorist group that has usurped the organs of justice and law and order.

68. They say words are mightier than swords. Maybe, but words can only carry a authority if they are backed real power. Only word and case.

69. A dictatorial-tyrannical system is always suturates with murky demagogy.

70. Terrorism and patriotism in a organization terrorist society have the same direction, meaning and content. By terrorism, an organized criminal group understands opposition to it, and by patriotism, terrorism.

71. Conclusions, decisions, actions, and behavior of public and official persons must be regulated by moral standards and legally substantiated life experience.

72. The desire to get rich is destructive. Leaders of developed countries have to constantly fight against it. But if material well-being is earned in a legal and morally justified way, no one can be blamed for it.

73. The moral norm of a criminal terrorist group that has usurped the organs of justice and law and order, the most important social status is financial and material well-being, while true status is given by service to family, clan, ethnic group, country.

74. the desire to gain social status by acquiring financial and material resources by any means leads to irresponsible squandering of natural resources of country and leads to their depletion.

75. Trade operations in the form of sales and exchange transactions must have progressive taxation, quotas and standards for the added value of goods.

76. Usury of financical and material leads to dependence, belonging, slavery, and is a crime.

77. People who have built their financial well-being on the misfortunes of other people always strive for Dictatorship and Tyranny.

78. Banks restrict the right to use their financial resources at their own discretion and impose taxes on monetary transactions. Banks strive to control all monetary resources and operations.

79. Usurious interest rates lead to inflation, increased taxes, belonging serfdom, slavery - the consequences are theft, fraud, others crime which is the basis for the destruction of moral and legal norms the country.

80. Easily acquired influence, social position, finanse, material things will not be used for good, only for evil.

81. There is nothing unnatural in evolution. Either society develops or degrades. Social, material status, services to society, income, privileges must be earned, not appropriated.

83. Emotionally unbalanced people, prone to unintelligent postures, are guided by emotional factors that do not correspond to real situation. Beware of restless people, for they lot negative as pozitive.

84. Self-discipline its higher culture of persons.

85. Self-control is other culture that helps to survive crises, troubles, failures.

86. A stupid person has an opinion from words, cults, slogans, symbols, names. A smart person from real factors - conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior.

87. Any conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior have consequences with some time lag. If it does not affect you, it will affect the next generations.

88. The destruction of the family, alcoholism, drug addiction, percentage slavery, tyranny, corruption, fragmentation of the population - this is a sign of the extinction of clans, ethnic groups, counties. This is a real indicator that a Leaders of families, clans, ethnic groups, diasporas, countries care only about their own interests.

You same might be interested in:
The Political Testamentas of Adolf Hitler. 
Die Fahne hoch! 
The Partial List of reserve officers of the Russian State Security Committee / FSB holding today important public and official positions in Lithuania, EU, including in the justice authorities. 
Soviet Holocaust in East Prussia.
The Tale of the Revolution and a Personalitys - from marerials archive of cases of State security Soviet Union. 

Friday, October 25, 2024

Aug 25, 2012 - Political Testament of Adolf Hitler.

 Well said, and in my bad situation this thought is close and understandable to me - and I understand the resentment for all the evil, destruction, bullying that came not only to me, came to all my people and that persecute me and my ethnic group. Just like Adolf Hitler, I live in a place where I am persecuted, where I have no right to a decent life, to the realization of my abilities, and where the law does not protect my rights!

 'We are fighting for our existence, for the protecting of our race, and our nation. We are fighting for the food for our children, for the rights of our blood, our etnic groop, and for the independence of our living place our Fatherland. We are fighting so that our nation can fulfill its missions, living  self cultur, which the founders of our society oblige us to do.. All one of our thoughts, all of our ideas, all of our science and all of our thinking must serve only this purpose. Only from this point of view should we check our poseful actions.'

Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler

Political Testament of Adolf Hitler:

Eng / De

 My political testament. More than thirty years have now passed since I volunteered my modest strength in 1914 in the first World War, which was forced upon the Reich. In these three decades, in all my thoughts, actions and life, I have been motivated only by love and loyalty to my people. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions, the likes of which no mortal has ever had to make. I have used all up my time, my labor and my health in these three decades. It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany stopped the war in 1914.

 1939. The War was want and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish origin or who worked for Jewish interests. I have made too many offers for armaments limitation and arms control, which posterity will not be able to deny for all eternity, for the responsibility for the outbreak of this war to rest on me. Furthermore, I have never wanted a second world war to break out against England or even against America after the first unfortunate world war. Centuries will pass, but from the ruins of our cities and monuments, hatred against the people who are ultimately responsible and to whom we owe all this will be renewed again and again: international Judaizm and its helpers.  Three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war, I proposed to the British ambassador in Berlin a solution to the German-Polish problems - similar to that in the case of the Saar region under international control. This offer cannot be denied either. It was only my ofer.

 They rejected it because the influential circles of English politics wanted war, partly for the sake of the hoped-for business, partly driven by propaganda organized by international Zionizm. But I also left no doubt that if the peoples of Europe are again seen as equitment nothing more than shares in these international money and financial conspirators, then the people who are actually guilty of this murderous struggle will also be held responsible: Jewry! I also left no one in any doubt that this time not only millions of children of European Aryan peoples will starve to death, not only millions of adult men will die, and not only hundreds of thousands of women and children will be burned and bombed to death in the cities, for without the actual culprit having to atone for his guilt, albeit by more humane means. After a six-year struggle that, despite all the setbacks, will go down in history as a glorious fullest and bravest expression of a people's will to live, I cannot leave the city that is the capital of The Reich.

 Since us forces are too small to withstand the enemy's onslaught any longer at this very spot, and our own resistance is gradually being undermined by people who are as blinded as they are without character, I would like to share my fate with that which millions of others have also accepted by staying in this city. Moreover, I do not want to fall into the hands of enemies who need a new spectacle arranged by Jews to amuse it incited masses. I had therefore decided to stay in Berlin and to hoose death there of my own free will at the moment when I believe that the seat of the Führer and Chancellor himself can no longer be held.  I die with a joyful heart, aware of the immeasurable deeds and achievements of our soldiers at the front, our women at home, the achievements of our farmers and workers, and the commitment, unique in history, of our youth who bear my name.

 It is natural that I express my deepest thanks to all of them, as is my wish that they will not give up the fight under any circumstances, and will continue to fight against the enemies of the fatherland, wherever they may be, true to the words of a great Clausewitz. From the sacrifice of our soldiers and from my own bond with them until death, the seed will one day sprout in German history for the brilliant rebirth of the National Socialist movement and thus for the realization of a true national community. Many brave men and women have decided to tie their lives to my until the end. I have asked them and finally ordered them not to do this, but to take part in the nation's continued struggle. I ask the leaders of the armies, navy and air force to use all means possible to strengthen the spirit of resistance of our soldiers in the National Socialist spirit, with particular reference to the fact that I myself, as the founder and creator of this movement, preferred death to cowardly abandonment or even surrender.

 May it one day be part of the German officer's concept of honour - as is already the case in our navy - that the surrender of a region or a city is impossible and that, above all, the leaders here must set a shining example in the most faithful fulfillment of their duty until death.

 Second part of the political testament. Before my death, I expel the former Reich Marshal Hermann Gör i n g from the party and withdraw from him all rights that could arise from the decree of June 29, 1941 and from my declaration to the Reichstag of September 1, 1939. In his place, I appoint Grand Admiral Dö nitz as Reich President and Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht. Before my death, I expel the former Reichsführer-SS and Reich Minister of the Interior, Heinrich H i m m l e r, from the party and from all state offices. In his place, I appoint Gauleiter Karl H a n k e as Reichsführer-SS and Chief of the German Police and Gauleiter Paul G i e s l e r as Reich Minister of the Interior.  Göring and Himmler have caused incalculable damage to the country and the entire people through secret negotiations with the enemy, which they conducted without my knowledge and against my will, as well as through their attempt to seize power in the state contrary to the law, quite apart from their disloyalty towards me personally.

 In order to give the German people a government composed of honourable men which fulfils the obligation to continue the war by all means, I, as leader of the nation, appoint the following members of the new Cabinet: Reich President: Dönitz
Reich Chancellor: Dr.  G o e b b e l s Party Minister: B o r m a n n
Foreign Minister: S e y ß - In q u a r t
Interior Minister: Gauleiter G i e s l e r
War Minister: D ö n i t z Commander-in-Chief of the Army: S c h ö r n e r
Commander-in-Chief of the Navy: D ö n i t z Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force: G r e i m
Reichsführer-SS and Chief of the German Police: Gauleiter H a n k e
Economy: F u n k
Agriculture: B a c k e
Justice: T h i e r a c k
Culture: Dr. S c h e e l
Propaganda: Dr. N a u m a n n
Finance: S w h e r i n - C r o s s i g k
Labor: Dr. H u pf a u e r
Armaments: S a u r
Head of the German Labor Front and member of the Reich Cabinet: Reich Minister Dr. L e y .

 Although a number of these men, such as Martin Bormann, Dr. Goebbels, etc., including their wives, came to me of their own free will and did not want to leave the capital of the Reich under any circumstances, but were prepared to perish here with me, I must ask them to obey my request and, in this case, to put the interests of the nation above their own feelings. Through their work and their loyalty they will be just as close to me as companions after death, just as I hope that my spirit will wave among them and accompany them always.  May they be hard, but never unjust; may they above all never let fear guide their actions and place the honor of the nation above everything else on earth. May they finally be aware that our task of building a National Socialist state is the work of the coming centuries, which obliges each individual to always serve the common interest and to put his own advantages aside.

 I demand of all Germans, all National Socialists, men and women, and all soldiers of the Wehrmacht, that they be loyal and obedient to the new government and its president until death. Above all, I oblige the leadership of the nation and its followers to scrupulously observe the racial laws  and to ruthless resistance against the world poisoner of all peoples, international Zionizm.

 Given in Berlin, 29 April 1945, 4:00 a.m. Adolf Hitler Witnesses: Dr. Joseph Goebbels Wilhelm Burgdorf Martin Bormann Hans Krebs.

Maybe you also interest:
Theory of Nationalism - 88 articls by Devida Leina;
Soviet Holocaust in East Prussia;
Lithuania demands extradition to publick exicution of Jews who fought Lithuanian Nazis.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Aug 24, 2012 - The Offended Snitch.


 Anotation for article: 2011/10 'Commissioners of The Internet...'

I read today at to my address:
"they my post won't let me through, add without spaces: ru - (eng -
he is also a "snitch" read his blog - he collected all the nicknames from Delphi and wrote a letter to the editor - he presents it beautifully "offended" - he tries so hard, but they won't give him Lithuanian citizenship.

 Let us add that there was also a complaint of I to the European Court of Human Rights, read here:
EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS - APPLICATION, and there was an answer - Nov 2, 2011 - Lithuania, Rietavas - my last fight....

 But where did I ever ask for citizenship - a civil belonging, feudal dependence on the Lithuanian Republic?

 No, I didn’t ask and I won’t ask. I asked to give me the opportunity to live where I have a home, where close to me little people /children, where I invested money in self homelife a business. I have asked for my rights to be based on the declared moral and legal norms, because what is declared must correspond to reality.


 I asked for nothing more and I did not a parasite of Lithuania. The rest, I suppose, is on the conscience of Lithuanian officials and the European Court of Human Rights.

 I Offinded ? 

 No, I am not offended, I am used to rudeness, persecutions, baitings and I promote my views without any benefit other than moral. Moreover, I do not strive for everyone to accept them. This is a matter of morality, education, mental abilities, intellect. Nevertheless, I believe that what important is the right understanding of what happened in Lithuania, and I made assessments in accordance with my understanding of moral and legal norms. Someone close to me will live here and I do not want the country to degrade to a strict regime, rushing from one extreme to another.

 And in conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that I am not striving for any kind of civil belonging or feodality servitude for me.
What am I guided by? The fate of my people (Schicksalgemeinschaft), and therefore what is good for the Soviet country is death for me. Consider me kem ugodno tolko ne need associiruite s soboy and that is enough. So that there are no speculations on my name, I do not accept either Lithuanian or other, let alone Russian, doctrines of building a model of social society. All this is a repetition of totalitarianism in a single country and if we talk about Lithuania, then this model is isolated only because under the roof of the confederation European Union some unscrupulous politicians take care of their personal well-being more conveniently than under the roof wich Union Russia.

 Russia, as well as Belarus, are the basis, the very infection that gives rise to competition between oligarchs of authoritarian models of public morality, on the one hand, and the same oligarchs who grew up under the thoroughly corrupt wing of the democratic model of confideration, on the other. The basis, the same totalitarianism, authoritarianism, then are links in the usual nacizma on the basis of manipulation of public opinion by fascist methods. Any authoritarian system, if it is not controlled by public consciousness, law can take the most extreme, severe and dangerous forms for all of humanity. End dont need there is no need to reinvent the wheel here and feed everyone empty promises.

 The apple doesn't fall far from the tree and I don't think that any of the existing public persons of Lithuania will be able to cut this Gardeev knot. For this, one must have strength, dedication and courage. And everything else, including the price of energy, minimal SOC packages, raider over small and medium-sized businesses, are  just defactum consequences, nothing more.

 What to do?

 Perhaps you should start with ourselves before making claims against those around us.

 As for me, I am guided by internal moral standards, which may not be understood by public persons of Lithuania and other ex-Soviet persons, but are selfless. My conscience is clear. And I don’t need civil belonging, feodality servitude, subjectivism from you, I will refuse) but I would probably agree to a permanent residence permit, if of course they give it and if Lithuania is not a subject of the moral and legal norms of the Soviet Federation.

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Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11;
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Lithuania demands extradition to publick exicution of Jews who fought Lithuanian Nazis.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Eng 2006 - open letter into Ministry of Internal Affairs, Migration of Department of the Republic of Lithuania, Gene Lukaseviciene.


Konstantin Korenevskiy Labardziu km. 90308 Rietavo sen. a/k 36504151894

Eng / Lt

I wrote to you once in Lithuanian, and I have an answer in the person of your onreceptor Gena Lukashevichene. Excuse me, but I can tell you that for our family in Lithuania there is no nowho first legal aid at all. Why? I will try to explain in Russian...

Eng / Ru

  My name is Konstantin, my last name is Korenevsky and I am not havea civil belonging of the Republic of Lithuania. Moreover, the Migration Department considers me a Russian citizen and is trying in every way to prove my connection to Russia and the truth of my legal presence on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

But... in the Republic of Lithuania entrusted to your management, I have work experience (more than ten years)  real estate where I live with my official wife and child, I officially work as a carpenter in one of the legal commercial firms, and therefore I pay more than a third of my income into the Lithuanian national budget every month. That is, I am a taxpayer and therefore I can have claims regarding the social and legal protection of my interests - The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania.
I will tell you directly from the state institutions entrusted to you, such as the police, the prosecutor's office, local government, vaiku tarnybos paslauga both I and my family have seen a lot of evil.
Moreover, their actions were not dictated by either necessity or common sense, and for the most part contradict the law, the constitution and international legal norms, and I will provide evidence of this below. As a result of these actions, my family suffered serious financial, material, and moral losses, but your employees were unable to prove my direct or indirect guilt in any offense despite numerous attempts, a complete lack of legal protection on my part, disregard for basic moral standards on their part, and even observance of decency.
For me there was a feeling that the employees of the institutes (departments) of management of self-goverments of Lithuania entrusted to you all suffered from a mental disorder of developing schizophrenia due to complete loss of hearing and memory). With great difficulty I managed to protect my family and gradually stabilize the situation. It was very difficult to stop work my company, withstand financial pressure, find official work, etc. without any support and complete hostility from the surrounding environment.
Today I cannot say that we have material well-being, but we have a small hope to simply live, and for us this is also an opportunity to escape from the abyss of misfortunes from your official institutions of operational and executive power.
This is possible, but only on the condition that your dogs will not attack us without reason, common sense and necessity caused by a threat to the environment or our failure to comply with any laws, the neglect of which threatens the interests of the habitan Republic of Lithuania.
Regarding the documents proving my identity, I can say the following: I contacted the Department of Migration on this issue and they should have written evidence of this fact.
I do not draw, make or deliver any passports or any other documents. If for you have problems with my identification, then your oficial persons should probably contact Interpol, and not take me to the Russian embassy and force me to write an application with a request to issue a Russian passport, based on civil belonging, which I did not existed and do not have...
I won't go into all the details, I'll just say it briefly and simply. Judging by the renewed activity on the part of the Rietavos Police Department, to which we belong, some action is being prepared in the near future against me or my family, which is basically the same thing. We don't expect anything good from any action on this part.
Now try to understand that today any unforeseen expenses that will be a consequence of any actions on the part of the police department can lead to a catastrophe of our already unstable and fragile budget. cause my practics from comumication wich your self- goverment of Rietavas, thay don't have is no liability for anyone, and from they to me no compensation in case of illegality of their actions or absurdity.
This means that in this case and this time we will not be able to cope with the situation (we have nothing to sell or mortgage) and will lose both the roof over our heads and the hope of a normal existence. I understand that you generally don't care about all these difficulties of ours, and therefore I am not frightening you, but warning you...

if your dogs create a situation in which my child in the future will have difficulties with the remaining property that we have today, or as a result of some unjustified and groundless actions we will lose it, or the family will not be able to count on my financial and other support again because of unjustified and crimied actions of the police department employees, or I will lose my family (which is more precious to me than anything) again because of unjustified and criminalied actions of the police department employees, then the situation will go beyond the limits of a small amplitude of aggression with all the ensuing consequences both in relation to the persons directly involved in this matter and in relation to the persons with whose tacit consent this persecution was committed... !

Think about it !!!!

Their actions were not dictated by either necessity or common sense, and also, for the most part, contradict the law, the constitution and international legal norms, and here, further I will provide evidence of this.

From my correspondence prior to the events described above, open letter 2006 m. gruodžio 3 d., 14:31:13 :

'Dear Sirs,
My name is Konstantin, my surname is Korenevsky, I permanently reside in the village of Labardziu, located near the city of Rietavos - in my house and on my land, the property rights to which I have. (see the link at the end of the document - 'Nekalnoemo turto')
I have never been to Poland, I do not speak Polish and I do not know whether I have any family roots there or not.... but I have Polish etnish groop based on my understanding of the fact of entry in my birth certificate. (see 'The result of this conflict is the incorrect registration of the surname of my wife and child, The fact of entry in the birth certificate, I have here and work experience' loock to 'Birth certificate')
I am sincerely grateful to you for your responsiveness and will try to briefly outline the essence of my conflict to self-goverment of Rietavas and events.

My conflict with the migration of the Republic of Lithuania has been going on for more than ten years, or more precisely since 1996. Although unofficially I have lived in Lithuania on an irregular basis and without registration since 1992. Exist and documents documenting my relations with the Republic of Lithuania since 1996, from the moment of acquiring real estate. I have work experience here, I am registered and pay Social Insurance (Valstybinio Socialinio Draudimo Fondo Valdyba), I have an individual code, etc. (see 'The result of this conflict is the incorrect registration of the surname of my wife and child, the fact of entry in the birth certificate...'). Despite all this proving my legal residence in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, the Migration Department refuses to recognize the fact of my legal residence in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania by issuing any documents certifying my identity and confirming this (see 'The Migration Department refuses to recognize the fact of my legal residence in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania').
I do not have belonging any Lithuania as civil belonging and do not claim it (the guarantor of rights is questionable, and dont how any obligations with such an attitude towards me and my family is unthinkable).. The USSR passport under which I lived until 1996 has disappeared, I cannot obtain new documents, and therefore I have problems associated with such needs as education, obtaining licenses, relocation, acquisition of property, registration of inheritance, family relationships, etc.
The result of this conflict is the incorrect registration of the surname of my wife and child, the failure to register or incorrect registration of my data in the marriage certificates and the child's birth certificate, the impossibility of servicing the enterprise and conducting commercial affairs, as well as the fulfillment of any obligations, both to clients and partners.
In addition, there is a high risk of material losses of personal property as a result of claims for material assets before receiving any profit from the activities of the enterprise, the Lithuanian side, methods of obtaining and limiting the activities, the consequence of which is illiquidity with a negative CashFlo value at all points in the environment (see 'The result of this conflict is the incorrect registration of the surname of my wife and child, the fact of entry in the birth certificate, I have work experience here', 'Copies of documents proving the fact of forceful influence', 'The Migration Department refuses to recognize the fact of my legal residence in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania - from the letter of the Migration Department 'Rusu Pilieciui").

I have not asked, do not ask and do not claim any material or moral support from the Republic of Lithuania, only for the legal registration of relations, in which the Republic of Lithuania, receiving financial resources from me in the form of taxes, insurance, and also taking into account those received earlier, will bear responsibility for its obligations and guarantees accepted by the Lithuanian side voluntarily on the basis of which the current conflict arose.
If the Republic of Lithuania cannot or does not want to meet its obligations, then my family and I are ready to look for ways to protect our interests, whether it is the implementation of social guarantees, registration of residence, correct and accurate completion of birth certificates, as well as the implementation of other guarantees and obligations in a compulsory manner and on the basis of current European legislation and agreements.

Based on the current situation, we are ready to consider all proposals that will help resolve the conflict.'

I don’t understand how it is possible to cross the border of the Lithuanian state in any direction with just a driver’s license, and I don’t understand how the confiscation of a driver’s license can prevent this from happening....

- I do not understand how it is possible to cross the border of the Lithuanian state in any direction with only a driver's license, and I do not understand how the confiscation of a driver's license can prevent this from being done.... (see 'Copies of documents proving the fact of forceful action' 'Nutarimas atmesti itariamojo prasima del kardomosios priemones panaikinimo').
- I also have serious doubts about the objective necessity of keeping my personal computer for a year in the police del informacijos unless it is dictated by other considerations such as causing material losses or causing direct harm to commercial activities and relationships with clients whose orders were in progress during this period of time. (See 'Copies of documents proving the fact of forceful action' 'Nutarimas atmesti itariamojo prasima del kardomosios priemones panaikinimo'). All information from the computer can be copied within five minutes to a removable media and within half an hour a protocol of the prescribed form of such a procedure can be drawn up. Even a schoolchild knows about this....
- assistance or coordinated actions of a part of the local government apparatus with the actions of the police in relation to my wife and  newborn child do not cause anything other than justified anger (see 'Copies of documents proving the fact of forceful action' 'Seima iskaudino valdininkai' ).
- the facts of the contradiction between the dates indicated in the documents issued by the police and the dates of the events that actually took place indicated in the newspaper report indicate a blatant manipulation of the documentary base, a complete absence of any procedure and premeditated, planned actions against me and my family. (See "Copies of documents proving the fact of force" "Nutarimas atmesti itariamojo prasima del kardomosios priemones panaikinimo" - "Seima iskaudino valdininkai" )
- and this is only a small part of a fraction... I think it will be difficult to get any clear answer to this from your Administrative apparatus (everyone suffers from a mental disorder - developing schizophrenia due to complete loss of hearing and memory).

From my correspondence prior to the events described above:

'Dear Sirs
My name is Konstantin, my last name is Korenevsky, I was born in 1965, I am not registered or registered anywhere, I have had my own house in Lithuania for almost 10 years, now I already have a wife, perhaps I will soon have a child and I hope that this letter will fall into the hands of decent and sensible people….
In all countries of the world there should be at least some punishment for killing a person and it should not happen through the state mechanism just because the person was born in the wrong place, or studied or grew up at the wrong time. Maybe I'm wrong... but in Russia today I am a homeless person and do not even have the opportunity to get a passport to leave, and in Lithuania I am a Russian who must leave the country every three months.
It so happened that at the moment when they set boundaries, allthey forgot about me. First I studied, then I worked, I didn’t ask anyone for anything, and the fact that when I saved up enough money and professional skills, I would have somewhere to return to, so that I could then start a family and live the second half of my life peacefully was enough for me.
While studying and working in Russia, I was quite satisfied with temporary residence, renting a place to live or simply living in my office without any paperwork, social guarantees, health insurance, etc. All this time since 1996, I have been making social contributions to Lithuania and have a Socialinio Draudimo Pazymejimas from 1999.01.04 under the number SD № 0693018 issued by Plunges rajono skyrius and everything was paid until 2004, I also paid all utility bills for my property, tried to process all documents on time, but constantly having a problem with crossing borders and living in Russia, and later visiting and living in Lithuania.

Gradually, my living in Russia became more problematic than the possibility of earning sufficient income for so, and I wanted to return home for permanent residence. With great difficulty, I managed to obtain a Russian passport for legal border crossing, and I went to Lithuania.
The grounds that I have my own house, company, promised social guarantees were not enough, moreover, I had to purchase insurance and show funds to ensure my living... in addition to everything else, my house was almost completely looted and partially dismantled due to the fact that all this time I was not able to visit it due to the fault of the Lithuanian side, and when the neighbors, at my request, tried to draw the attention of the police to this fact, they referred to the fact that this should be declared personally by the owner of the property...
It's in the past... The situation was quite complicated and almost hopeless... on the one hand I had some money saved up, on the other hand there was no way to legally live in Lithuania for more than 90 days a year and no one wanted or had the opportunity to help me. It's good that I had plans to start a family and that's exactly what I did. Lithuania gave me the opportunity to live on its territory with a visa for a year and promised to extend the visa upon its expiration.
Of course, the living conditions were difficult, we had to urgently repair the house to provide the minimum living conditions - heat, water, sewerage, etc., all in extreme conditions, in winter...
The first marriage didn't work out! We broke up almost immediately and by the time I got the visa I no longer had the money or the wife who could make legal liveng in Lithuania... although there was a girl with whom we lived almost all the time from the time when my wife left me...
A good girl, Lithuanian, young, beautiful, but at the time when we met she had no roof over her head, no social guarantees or benefits, and most importantly, no prospects of ever living better. She, like me, was terrified, cold and, probably, in pain... in short, we met.
I am a person without a right of residence, and she is a person without a place to live – a good couple.
I took care of her as best I could,… When it was time to get out (and that is how it is presented in the migration service) it was a real tragedy. By a lucky chance I did not freeze on the way, survived in Moscow and was able to return home relatively quickly, but only for three months… such a visa.
Of course, we got married and tried to arrange all the documents so that we would never be separated again. Unfortunately, it was not that simple. When we contacted the Migration Service at our place of residence, we were denied the documents of living.
Higher authorities instantion were also unable or unwilling to help us.
The road awaited me again, I needed a lot of money again, and there was a chance that it might be almost impossible to return.
However, we have collected all the documents to apply for my residence permit in Lithuania, except for a bank account... you understand, we need to prepare firewood for the winter and have something to eat while I am gone, and this, as we were promised, will be for three months, or maybe more.
I have broken contracts and no alternatives for this time to earn anything, she only has the opportunity to register on the exchange without a real opportunity to find a more or less decent job - a lot of problems and this trip itself is a decent expense.
Moreover, I do not understand how it is possible to fill out a questionnaire and prepare documents in Lithuania, and submit them in Russia. If we make a mistake and write something incorrectly or they write something incorrectly, there will not even be a chance to correct the mistake, especially since official bodies, as we understand, are not responsible for the correctness submission of the documents.
There are also other problems related to the fact that I do not have registration in Russia and cannot get a second passport to leave Russia (this time there is not enough money) moreover - the house is in Lithuania, work is in Lithuania, the wife is in Lithuania, they may not understand me if I contact the official local authorities with my problem and in general how can I explain this...
Is there a need and to whom to make me illegal, a homeless person, or simply deprive me of the opportunity to live?

In any case, even without documents, financial resources and the prospect of officially registering my place of residence, I will go home and if something happens to me on this road or at home, someone should be held responsible for it... and I will try very hard to ensure that this is at least heard.

Read more: 'The Offended Snitch'.

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The Offended Snitch;
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Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11;
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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Ru 2006 - open letter into Ministry of Internal Affairs, Migration of Department of the Republic of Lithuania, Gene Lukaseviciene.

 Original here -

Konstantin Korenevskiy Labardziu km. 90308 Rietavo sen. a/k 36504151894

Lt: / Eng
As rasiau jums viena karta lietuviskai, ir turiu atsakyma jusu priimamasis Gene Lukaseviciene. Atsiprasau, bet galiu pasakyti, kaip del musu seimos Lietuviska pirmine teisines pagalbos nera. Kodel? Pabandysiu paaiskinti rusiskai....

Ru / Eng

Мое имя Константин, фамилия Кореневский и я не являюсь гражданином Литовской Республики. Более того Департамент Миграции считает меня Российским гражданином и всячески пытается доказать мою причастность к России и незаконность нахождения на территории Литовской Республики.

Но.... Вверенной вам в управление Республике я имею трудовой стаж (более десяти лет), недвижимое имущество где проживаю со своей официальной женой и ребенком, официально работаю столяром на одной из легальных коммерческих фирм, а потому ежемесячно выплачиваю в Литовский национальный бюджет более трети своего дохода. То есть являюсь налогоплательщиком и поэтому могу иметь претензии к социальной и правовой защите моих интересов.
Скажу прямо от вверенных вам государственных институтов таких как полиция, прокуратура, местного самоуправления, а именно vaiku tarnybos paslauga и я, и моя семья видели очень много зла. При чем их действия не были продиктованы ни необходимостью, ни здравым смыслом, а так же в большей части противоречат - закону, конституции и международным правовым нормам и доказательства этому я приведу ниже.
Моя семья в результате этих действий понесла серьезные финансовые, материальные, моральные потери, но ваши служащие не смогли доказать мою прямую или косвенную виновность ни в одном правонарушении несмотря на многочисленные попытки, полное отсутствие правовой защиты с моей стороны, пренебрежение элементарными моральными нормами с их стороны и даже пусть относительным соблюдением приличия. Было ощущение, что служащие вверенных вам институтов (департаментов) управления все как один страдают психическим расстройством развивающейся шизофрении на почве полной потери слуха и памяти).
С большим трудом мне удалось защитить свою семью и понемногу стабилизировать ситуацию. Было очень сложно без какой бы то ни было поддержки и полной враждебности окружения закрыть фирму, выдержать финансовое давление, найти официальную работу и т.д.. Сегодня я не могу сказать, что мы имеем материальное благополучие, но мы имеем маленькую надежду просто жить, а для нас это и возможность выбраться из бездны неблагополучия. Это возможно, но только при условии, что ваши псы не будут без причины, здравого смысла и необходимости, вызванной угрозой окружению или несоблюдением нами каких либо законов, пренебрежение которых ставит под угрозу интересы Литовской Республики, кидаться на нас.
По поводу же документов удостоверяющих мою личность могу сказать следующее - я обратился по этому вопросу в Департамент Миграции и они должны иметь этому письменное свидетельство этому факту. Ни паспорта, ни еще какие документы я не рисую, не делаю и не igausiu. Если у них сложности с моей индификацией, то наверное следует обратиться в Интерпол, а не возить меня в Русское посольство и заставлять писать заявление с просьбой выдать Русский паспорт, на основании гражданской принадлежности, который я и по сегодняшний день не имею...
Не буду вдаваться во все подробности, скажу коротко и просто. Судя по вновь проявляемой активности со стороны Департамента Полиции Риетавоса, к которому мы относимся, в недалеком будущем готовятся какие-то действия в отношении меня или моей семьи, что в общем-то одно и то же. Ничего хорошего от каких либо действий с этой стороны мы не ожидаем. А теперь попробуйте понять, что сегодня любые непредвиденные расходы которые будут следствием каких либо действий со стороны полицейского департамента могут привести к катастрофе нашего и так неустойчивого и хрупкого бюджета. Ни ответственности кого либо, ни компенсации в случае неправомочности их действий или абсурда не предусмотрено.
Это значит, что в этом случае и на этот раз мы не сможем справиться с ситуацией (не имеем уже, ни что продать, ни что заложить)и лишимся как крыши над головой так и надежды возможности нормального существования. Я понимаю, что Вам в общем то наплевать на все эти наши сложности, а по этому не прошу, а предупреждаю.... если ваши псы создадут ситуацию при которой мой ребенок в будущем будет иметь сложности в отношении остатков имущества которым мы сегодня располагаем или в результате каких либо неоправданных ничем и безпричинных действий лишимся его, или семья не сможет рассчитывать на мою финансовую и другую поддержку опять таки из за неоправданных ничем и безпричинных действий служащих депортамента полиции или я лишусь своей семьи (дороже которой у меня ничего нет) опять таки по причине неоправданных ничем и безпричинных действий служащих департамента полиции тогда ситуация выйдет за пределы малой амплитуды агрессивности со всеми вытекающими последствиями как в отношении лиц непосредственно причастных к этому делу так и в отношении лиц с чьих молчаливого согласия совершалась эта травля...

их действия не были продиктованы ни необходимостью, ни здравым смыслом, а так же в большей части противоречат - закону, конституции и международным правовым нормам и доказательства этому я приведу

Из моей корреспонденции до произошедших и описанных выше событий, открытое письмо 2006 m. gruodžio 3 d., 14:31:13

"Уважаемые господа,
Мое имя Константин, фамилия Кореневский, я постоянно проживаю в деревне Labardziu, находящейся недалеко от города Rietavos - в своем доме и на своей земле, права собственности, на которые имею. (смотреть ссылку в конце документа - "Nekalnoemo turto")

Я никогда не был в Польше, не говорю на Польском языке и не знаю, есть ли у меня там какие либо родственные корни или нет …. но имею польскую национальность исходя из моего понимания факта записи в свидетельстве о рождении. (см. "Результатом этого конфликта является неправильная регистрация фамилии моей жены и ребенка, Факт записи в свидетельстве о рождении, Я имею здесь трудовой стаж" "Свидетельство о рождении")

Искренне благодарен Вам за Вашу отзывчивость и попытаюсь коротко изложить суть конфликта и событий.

Мой конфликт с Миграцией Литовской республики длится уже более десяти лет, а точнее с 1996 года. Хотя неофициально на территории Литвы я проживал непостоянно и без регистрации с 1992 года. Существуют и документы документально регистрировающие мои отношения с Литовской Республикой с 1996 года, с момента приобретения недвижимого имущества. Я имею здесь трудовой стаж, состою на учете и выплачиваю Социальное страхования (Valstybinio Socialinio Draudimo Fondo Valdyba), имею индивидуальный код и т.д.. (см. "Результатом этого конфликта является неправильная регистрация фамилии моей жены и ребенка, Факт записи в свидетельстве о рождении, Я имею здесь трудовой стаж") Несмотря на Все это доказывающие мое легальное пребывание на территории Литовской Республики, Департамент Миграции отказывается признавать факт моего легального проживания на территории Республики выдачей каких либо документов удостоверяющих мою личность и подтверждающих это (см. "Депортамент миграции отказывается признавать факт моего легального проживания на территории Литовской республики").

Гражданства Литовской Республики я не имею и не претендую на него ( гарант прав вызывает сомнения, а нести какие либо обязанности при таком отношении ко мне и моей семье немыслемы).. Паспорт СССР по которому я жил до 1996 года пропал, новые документы я получить не могу, а поэтому имею проблемы связанные с такими необходимостями как обучение, получение лицензий, перестажировку, приобретение имущества, оформлением наследства, семейных взаимоотношений и т.д..
Результатом этого конфликта является неправильная регистрация фамилии моей жены и ребенка, непрописание и неправильное праписание моих данных в метриках оформления брака и свидетельства о рождении ребенка, невозможность обслуживания предприятия и ведения коммерческих дел, а так же выполнение каких либо обязательств, как перед клиентами, так и партнерами. Помимо этого большой риск материальных потерь личного имущества в результате претензий на материальные средства до получения какой либо прибыли от деятельности предприятия, Литовской стороной, способов получения и ограничения деятельности следствием которых является неликвидность с отрицательным значением КешФло на всех моментах окружения (см. "Результатом этого конфликта является неправильная регистрация фамилии моей жены и ребенка, Факт записи в свидетельстве о рождении, Я имею здесь трудовой стаж", "Копии документов доказывающих факт силового воздействия", "Депортамент миграции отказывается признавать факт моего легального проживания на территории Литовской республики - из письма Депортамента Миграции "Rusu Pilieciui"")

Я не просил, не прошу и не претендую на какую либо материальную, моральную поддержку со стороны Литовской Республики, только на легальное оформление взаимоотношений, при которых Литовская Республика, получая от меня финансовые средства в качестве налогов, страховок, а так же с учетом полученных ранее будет нести ответственность по своим обязательствам и гарантиям принятых Литовской стороной добровольно на основе, которых и возникли имеющийся конфликт.

Если Литовская республика не может или не хочет отвечать по своим обязательствам тогда я и моя семья готова искать способы защиты наших интересов, будь то выполнение социальных гарантий, регистрации проживания, правильное и точное заполнение метрик, а также выполнения других гарантий и обязательств в принудительном порядке и на основании действующего Европейского законодательства и договоренностей.

Исходя из сложившейся ситуации мы готовы к рассмотрению всех предложений способствующих разрешению конфликта."

не понимаю каким образом можно только с водителькими правами пересечь границу Литовского государства в каком бы то нибыло направлении, как не понимаю и как может помешать изъятие водительского удостоверения это сделать....

- не понимаю каким образом можно только с водителькими правами пересечь границу Литовского государства в каком бы то нибыло направлении, как не понимаю и как может помешать изъятие водительского удостоверения это сделать....(см. "Копии документов доказывающих факт силового воздействия" "Nutarimas atmesti itariamojo prasima del kardomosios priemones panaikinimo")
- так же у меня большие сомнения относительно объективной необходимости держать персональный компьютер год в полиции del informacijos если это не продиктовано другими соображениями как например причинение материальных убытков или нанесение прямого вреда коммерческой деятельности и взаимоотношений с клиентами, чьи заказы на этот промежуток времени находились в работе. (см. "Копии документов доказывающих факт силового воздействия" "Nutarimas atmesti itariamojo prasima del kardomosios priemones panaikinimo") Вся информация с компьютера может быть скопирована в течении пяти минут на съемный носитель и в течении получаса можно оформить протокол предусмотренной формы такой процедуры. Об этом знает даже школьник....
- содействие или скоординированные действия части аппарата местного самоуправления с действиями полиции по отношению к моей жене и моему новорожденному ребенку ничего кроме справедливого гнева не вызывают (см. "Копии документов доказывающих факт силового воздействия" "Seima iskaudino valdininkai")
- факты противоречие дат указанных в оформлении полицией документов и даты реально произошедших событий указанных в газетном выпуске говорят о выпиющей подтасовки документальной базы, полного отсутствия какой бы то ни было процедуры и заранее обдуманных, спланированных действий в отношении меня и моей семьи. (см. "Копии документов доказывающих факт силового воздействия" "Nutarimas atmesti itariamojo prasima del kardomosios priemones panaikinimo" - "Seima iskaudino valdininkai")
- и это только малая часть толики.... думаю и на это получить какой либо внятный ответ от Вашего Административного аппарата будет затруднительно (все как один страдают психическим расстройством - развивающейся шизофрении на почве полной потери слуха и памяти).

Из моей корреспонденции до произошедших и описанных выше событий:

"Уважаемые, господа
Мое имя - Константин, Фамилия – Кореневский родился в городе Красноярске в 1965 году нигде не прописан и не зарегистрирован, имею в Литве уже почти10 лет свой дом, сей час уже имею и жену, возможно, скоро будет ребенок и я надеюсь, что это письмо попадет в руки к порядочным и здравомыслящим людям….
Во всех странах мира за убийство человека должно быть хоть какое то наказание и это не должно происходить по средством государственного механизма только за то, что человек родился не в том месте, а учился или вырос не в то время. Может быть, я ошибаюсь…. но в России сегодня я бомж и не имею возможности даже получить паспорт для выезда, а в Литве я русский который должен убираться из страны каждые три месяца.
Так получилось, что момент, когда ставили границы обо мне забыли, сначала я учился, потом работал ни у кого ничего не просил и мне было достаточно факта, что когда накоплю достаточно денег, профессионального навыка я буду иметь куда вернуться, что бы потом завести семью и спокойно прожить вторую половину своей жизни.
Учась, работая в России меня, вполне устраивало временное проживание, аренда жилья или просто проживание в своем офисе без каких либо оформлений, социальных гарантий, медицинских страховок и т.д.. все это время с1996 года социальные отчисления я делал в Литву и имею Socialinio Draudimo Pazymejimas от 1999.01.04 за номером SD № 0693018 выданного Plunges rajono skyrius и все оплачено до 2004 года, так же оплачивал все коммунальные платежи за свое имущество, старался вовремя оформлять все документы постоянно имея проблему с пересечением границ и проживанием как в России, а позже и посещением Литвы. Постепенно проживание на территории Россия стало более проблематично, чем возможность получения достаточных доходов и мне захотелось вернуться домой для постоянного проживания.
С большим трудом мне удалось приобрести Русский заграничный паспорт для легального пересечения границы, и я поехал в Литву. Оснований, что я имею свой дом, фирму, обещанные социальные гарантии оказалось не достаточно, более того мне пришлось приобретать страховку и показывать средства, обеспечивающие мое проживание… по мимо всего прочего мой дом был практически полностью разграблен и частично разобран из за того, что все это время я не имел возможности его посещать по вине Литовской стороны, а когда соседи по моей просьбе пытались привлечь внимание полиции к этому факту, те сослались на то, что это должно быть заявлено лично хозяином имущества…. Но это в прошлом….
Ситуация была достаточно сложной и почти безвыходной… с одной стороны я имел немного скопленных денег с другой никакой возможности законно жить в Литве более 90 дней в году и никто не хотел или не имел возможности мне помочь. Хорошо, что в мои планы входило обзавестись семьей и тогда именно это я и сделал. Литва дала мне возможность проживать на ее территории визой на год и обещала продлить визу по ее истечению. Конечно, условия проживания были сложные, пришлось срочно ремонтировать дом, что бы обеспечить минимальные условия жизни – тепло, воду, канализацию и т.д., все в эксримальных условиях, зимой…. Первый брак не получился! Расстались почти сразу и на момент получения визы у меня уже не было ни тех денег, ни жены, которая могла бы ее оформить,… правда была девушка с которой мы прожили практически все время с периода когда жена ушла от меня… Хорошая девушка, Литовка, молодая, красивая но не имела на период времени когда мы познакомились ни крыши над головой, ни социальных гарантий и пособий, а главное перспектив, когда то жить лучше. Ей было, как и мне жутко, холодно, страшно и, наверное, больно… короче мы познакомились.
Я человек без права проживания, а она без места проживания – хорошая пара. Мы жили уже почти год, когда заканчивалась виза и моя бывшая жена отказалась помочь мне в ее продлении, на каких либо условиях.
Как мог я заботился о ней,… Когда настало время убираться (а именно в такой форме это преподносят в службе миграции) была настоящая трагедия. По счастливой случайности я не замерз по дороге, выжил в Москве и смог относительно быстро вернуться домой, но только на три месяца… такая виза. Конечно, мы с ней сразу поженились и попытались оформить все документы так, что бы больше не расставаться.
К сожалению, это оказалось не так просто. Когда мы обратились в Миграционную службу по месту проживания, то в оформлении документов было отказано. Вышестоящие инстанции также не смогли или не захотели помочь нам. Меня снова ждала дорога, снова нужны достаточно большие деньги и есть шанс, что вернуться может быть уже практически не реально. Тем не менее, все документы на подачу о моем виде на жительство мы собрали кроме счета в банке… знаете надо и дрова на зиму готовить и кушать, что то пока меня не будет, а это как нам пообещали месяца три, а может быть и более. У меня разорванные контракты и никаких альтернатив на это время, что либо заработать, у нее всего лишь возможность зарегистрироваться в бирже без реальной возможности найти более менее приличную работу – много проблем и эта поездка сама по себе приличный расход.
Более того, мне не понятно как можно заполнять анкету и готовить документы в Литве, а подавать их в России. Если мы ошибемся и напишем, что то неправильно или нам напишут, не будет даже возможности исправить ошибку, тем более что официальные органы как мы поняли за правильность документов ответственности не несут. Есть и еще проблемы связанные с тем, что я не имею регистрации в России и не могу сделать второй паспорт для выезда из России ( на этот раз денег не хватит) более того - дом в Литве, работа в Литве, жена в Литве меня могут не так понять, если я обращусь со своей проблемой в официальные местные органы и вообще как мне это объяснять…
Есть ли необходимость делать из меня нелегала, бомжа, да и просто лишать меня возможности жизни?
В любом случае даже без документов, финансовых средств и перспективы оформить официально проживание по месту жительства я пойду домой и если на этой дороге или дома со мной, что то случится за это должен кто то нести ответственность….. и я очень постараюсь, что бы это, по крайней мере, было услышанным."

Читать далее: "Обиженный стукачек"

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Aug 22, 2012 - Sovereign Terrorism Site ''.

  Anotation for article: 2011/10 'Commissioners of The Internet...'

 Open letter to editor of Oleg Erofeev.

Ru / Eng

 'Здравствуйте Олег,
 Мое имя Константин, фамилия Кореневский, с недавнего времени я можно сказать постоянный читатель вашего сайта. Особенно внимательно отслеживаю комментарии и если честно они не только меня коробят хамством, не нормативной лексикой, но и нагнетанием национальной розни, призывами к тероризму, запугиванию аппонентов в дискусии, давлению на людей демократических взглядов, а так же людей чьи убеждения отличаются от агрессивных, направленных против Соединенных Штатов Америки, Европейского Союза и в общем всего прогрессивного демократического человечества.
 Причем, почему то комментарии регулируются таким образом, что бы создать впечатление, что литовцы находятся в большом конфликте с общественным мнением жителей Соединенных Штатов Америки, общественным сознанием местных демократических общин и являются опасными, фанатичными и больными людьми способными совершать преступления, оправдывающими любой террор по отношению к литовским жителям и авторитарные, тоталитарные режимы осуществляющие террор, геноцид по отношению к своему населению.

 Берем статью "Премьер Литвы отклоняет угрозы Лукашенко"
 На вашем портале как мне удалось установить посетителей не так много. Реально это семь посетителей из который три это комментарии нормальных адекватных людей помеченных в сторону плюсов и больше десяти ников помеченных в сторону минус. Это как раз больные фанатики, которые почему то считают, что их мнение адекватно.
 Но дело не в мнении, а в оскорблении, угрозах и регулированием комментариями вашего сайта.

 К примеру "вовочка" пишет
- "Да ,что за козел, долбит здесь минусы не по делу? Если это кореневский, то до него УЖЕ едут-по извесному адресу.Братаны-киздеть небудут....Через 2 дня -зачистим , после проверки"

- "666ому в 23.03. Да я остановил мальцев на сайте.Этому козлу башку ребята -на дороге разобьют!!!!Адресок домашний-с родней ----ЕСТЬ!!!!!!!!!"


 Проверяю, что отсекает ваш сайт -  red;">MERLETN.ORG

  Смотрим адресс:
 (VRK) [proxy:][port:30444] - (SNF:)  Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1
role:           Transteleservis Admin
address:        UAB "Transteleservis"
address:        Sedulinos 18, Visaginas
address:        Lithuania

 Значит некий "вовочка" имеет доступ к программному обеспечению вашего сайта и свободно, по своему желанию регулирует комментарии, отсекает нежелательных пользователей по идеологическому признаку и т.д.. Или все таки кто то наделил его такими возможностями?

 Как я понимаю он представляет интересы таких пользователей как EDINBURGH, Вопросик, Ржунимагу, лиза, наркот, 666, Хуууууууторрррр Загибающийся.... и т.д..

 Как я понимаю эта группа комментаторов считает себя 'адекватной':

- Ржунимагу 22.08.2012 01:53 'Некоторые удивляются количеству минусов под адекватными комментами,а завсегдатаи гальюн-таймса уже должны быть в курсе где кериневскея собака порылась :)'

Читаем "адекватные коментарии":
- EDINBURGH 22.08.2012 03:41 Ну почти.Буду бежать впереди головного танка и показывать те дома и квартиры клумпоголовых , по которым нужно стрелять сразу.Ну что бы время не тратить.А потом попрошусь в какой нибудь карательно-пыточный батальон стажером палача и найду тебя.Действовать я намерен с особой жестокостью и цинизмом.Для начала ты мне сыграеш на балалайке весь репертуар русских народных песен,дальше станцуешь весь репертуар ансамбля песни и пляски Советской Армии и Военно Морского Флота,потом по старой литовской традиции сдаш всех своих дружков и на этой счастливой ноте я лично приму тебя в пионеры.
- EDINBURGH 22.08.2012 03:14 Читай всю ветку, клумпоголовый недоразвитый дебил литовской национальности.Хотелось , что бы бабы не рожали такох долбаёбов как ты.Отсаси у своего дружка,прими таблетку и иди спать.
- EDINBURGH 22.08.2012 01:48 короче,прочитал я коменты клумпоголовых и решил,когда наши вернутся, рука у меня не дрогнет.

Клумпоголовые, вот что вы должны понимать как литовцы... По-моему, это нагнетание ненависти среди жителей Литвы именно к русской диаспоре. Придет время, и полетят камни! И камни могут полететь не в ехидного a kike советской Литвы, выступающего здесь от имени русских, а в вашу мать или другого близкого друга, родственника, знакомого.

Читаем дальше:
-Хуууууууторрррр Загибающийся....22.08.2012 00:45 Ну надо же...О" великий и могучий"....И этому моральному уроду нашелся синоним -прозвище :"ЗАЩЕКАН"....Прямо,как КЛЕЙМО на лоб БЫДЛО...вернее ТАВРО...
- Ржунимагу 22.08.2012 00:31 Ёбаный по чердаку ты защекан хyйторскова 00:21
Я в курсе что у тебя недоделка склероз и понималка атрофировалась :)))
Даже сомневаюсь что она у тебя недоноска вообще была :)))
- Вопросик 22.08.2012 00:23 Чего так вяло минусуешь пидар костлявый ?
Пережрал наркоты и теперь тормозишь ?
- Ржунимагу 22.08.2012 00:14 Вот ты защекан хyйторскова 00:03 рассказывай эти сказки на кладбище своей безмозглой бабке :)))
В гальюн-таймсе даже с одного АЙПИ и оного браузера можно надрочить хоть 1000 +-
И при этом не оставлять следов в виде "Комментарии этого пользователя". Убедился долбоёб тупорылый ?

и так далее и тому подорбное.

Это надо понимать не просто оскорбления, а давление на человека, что бы он покинул ресурс, что бы ему было стыдно или не удобно или просто неприятно выслушивать в свой адресс оскорбления унижающие его достоинство.

Поражает так же то, что для Европы как то не принято скрывать свои личные данные, данные своей фирмы или места жительства. Это нормально, потому как люди пытаются найти единомышленников, а спецслужбы или администратор сайта все равно видит IP и в случае надобности возможно выворотить компьютер на изнанку практически любого пользователя. Но пользоваться этим что бы оскорбить оппонента не разделяющего чье либо мнение, извините, но эти люди глубоко больны и общество нуждается в ограждении от агрессивных и психически не здоровых, фанатичных объектов с ярковыраженными формами агрессии на почве навязчивых идей. Причем все равно каких. От радикального ислама до социального общественного устройства.

Результат ваш портал приобретает оттенок экстремистского толка, причем подсознательно можно провести параллель с радикальным исламом. Что то уж нотки больно знакомые. Много безграмотных людей с навязчивыми идеями явно агрессивного содержания к жителям страны где они проживают.

Почитайте -

Мне это кажется слишком!
И просьба, по возможности передавайте коментарии с угрозами в том числе и терактов в соответствующие органы. Это как никак обязанность любого честного и порядочного человека.

С уважением Константин Кореневский'

 Today - we say about the propaganda of socialists to destroy by the post-Soviet regimes all who do not agree with the doctrine of the propaganda of domination of dictatorial regimes.

All Soviet society has turned into a pack of unreasonable dogs who destroy everything that exceeds their wretched understanding.
They destroy all artists, scientists, intellectuals - all who express a realistic opinion that cannot correspond to a desired of idiots.

Today I don't see scientists, artists, educated intelligence on the post-Soviet space - I see people who are unable to accept the reality as such and replace it with the desired. They implement this by various ideas that do not have a real basis other than how to legalizedp the criminal activity of representatives of criminal groups that have usurped the post-Soviet space in the regions by legislative, operational, and executive of the state for personal.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Aug 21, 2012 - Anotation for article: 2011/10 'Commissioners of The Internet...'

 Anotation for article - 2011/10 'Commissioners of The Internet...'

21.08.2012 23:17

666th at 23.03. Yes, I stopped the boys on the site. The guys will break this goat's head on the road!!!! Home address - with relatives ---- IS THERE!!!!!!!!!!

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21.08.2012 23:14

наркот wrote:
Yes, I would be happy to, but first I need to find out which countries' citizens are allowed by Lithuanian border guards to cross the Lithuanian-Belarusian border without visas..............., but otherwise cane...

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Don't be afraid - we to be friends!!!!:)))

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21.08.2012 23:04

Yes, I would be happy to, but first we need to find out which countries' citizens are allowed by Lithuanian border guards across the Lithuanian-Belarusian border without visas..............., otherwise we might end up, as Gavrila writes, like the Georgians (Adamkus' friends) in a pre-trial detention center........, and we're not even Dali's friends, so we might end up in jail for good............

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21.08.2012 23:03

вовочка wrote:
Yeah, what kind of asshole is he, hammering out minuses here without any reason? If this is Korenevsky, then they are ALREADY on their way to him - to a well-known address. Bros - they won't screw around... In 2 days - we'll clean it up, after p...

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21.08.2012 22:51
Yeah, what kind of a goat is he, hammering out minuses here without any reason? If it's Korenevsky, then they're ALREADY on their way to him - to a well-known address. Bros - they won't screw around.... In 2 days - after checking we'll clean it up.

21.08.2012 22:37

наркот wrote:
Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius stressed on August 21 that the "bear landing" that angered Belarus was a private initiative of Swedish activists.

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How about we buy a glider and flayding off to Bulbyandia? We won't be dumping anything, of course, but we might also buy something:)...

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вовочка, лиза, наркот он же Хутор Исчезающий /  Anotation for article - 2011/10 'Commissioners of The Internet'.