Friday, October 11, 2024

May 14, 2012 - Lithuania, Emigration inside, inout...

  What is a emigration?

 Emigration is usually an extreme measure, which may be, for example, the desire to improve the quality of one's life by moving to a richer, more prosperous system that guarantees relative material well-being, or the desire to escape the limitations of a system, social structure for self-realization or the implementation of any ideas, projects, actions, or the action itself is conditioned by the imposition of a system of social morality that a person who has decided to emigrate cannot or does not want to accept or share, and so on.

 I will not dwell on the material and financial questings othat encourage emigration - this is a consequence local public of moral and legal norms - and I will begin the narrative from a level higher than the desire to improve one's material well-being at the expense of more prosperous, more developed systems of social relations.

 For responsible, independent and decent people a Emigration is an extreme step and is equal to a big fire that will devour all your property that you have and will burden you with internal credit for many years to come.

 Emigration is for those who, despite all the wretchedness of the post-Soviet system, without being part of it, still managed to get back on their feet, placed emphasis in their activities on a permanent income and, one might say, are quite confidently standing on their feet but do not see for themselves positive paths of development conditioned by social relations, the law existing in one or another region of the former Soviet space.

 What forces such people to emigrate?

 Future... The thing is that certain people tend to develop and this happens against their will. Looking for self-expression, they go into business, science, art and, as a rule, living in an authoritarian, totalitarian system, they face a situation when, having accumulated a certain potential, they either need to jump to a new orbit or their heads the totalitars sistems will simply blowning out.

 Well, to understand...
 A person in a democratic society develops based on his plans, his vision, his worldview and ability to bring the quality of his life and future closer to what he wants, without trading his convictions, conscience, responsibility for his conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior. He simply develops and this vector of development is directed to infinity.

 In an authoritarian, totalitarian regime, your development is limited by the stage of implementing your plans by the bar. The stage is a gateway from which, in general, you can crawl to the next level, but if you do not fit into the standard, your head will be shortened.

 A standard, one must understand, is an element of a complex system that is determined by the random principle and is not a constant value, something like a quota, where from a herd of cows, according to a certain set of properties, and not very  smart and far-sighted person distributes - who to slaughter, who to milk, and who to produce.

 It should be understood that the system "does not allow" errors, therefore everyone who does not fit into this standard will be shoved into it,  having cut off everything incomprehensible, unnecessary, inappropriate.

 It is clear that there is no rationality here, but no one strives for it.  An authoritarian, totalitarian society does not need rationality, nor development, it needs a balance of loyalty - the distribution of resources, income, privileges in favor of the system and leaders, nadelennymi vymyshlemymi svoistvami i kachestvami.

 And now about development. Imagine a person in such a system has reached a certain stage when he has formed a business, a close environment and he needs a development perspective.

 What is needed are clear, real goals and the ability to steer toward them despite all the complexity of the comunity, moral and legal sistem of the he is in. And it is in this very place that he begins to conflict and compete with the public, legal system.

 He will not be able to change it, and his actions create waves around him, attracting the attention of the relevant services and departments. The consequence is that he puts himself and his surroundings under a very real risk.

 Yes, someone goes down this road and there are many of them. For them, quite peaceful activities are replaced by a fight against the system, the social morality inherent in the system, and their future in this case is outlined, in relation to probability, clearly.

 As a rule, their heads are either cut off or they are artificially lowered back several levels, after first cutting off everything that could cause alarm in the system and thereby squeezing them into the framework of a potential suitable for this level.

 This happens as things go along, but here the question is in the development of such a social system, such as the sources of this waves, their organization, etc. But any totalitarian authoritarian system is aggressive towards those who do not fit into its norms of morality and law, which can be very limited by the desire to distributed income, funds, libertis and privileges.

 The point is that this path is a rejection of personal life, a reorientation of creative activity towards opposition to the system, as a result of which your head will be blown off anyway. The system is stronger, and a persons will not risk their personal, albeit relative, well-being in favor of prospects that are not clear to them.

 Is there any other choice?

 Yes! Changing morally legal conditions on better approach your moral standards, education, ability and this is a Emigration!

 So we have come to the conditionality of the transition to a new qualitative level, which is based on Emigration from an authoritarian, totalitarian environment as one of the possible paths of development of a person and his close environment for those who are not moral standards, education, ability degradirovannyh habitan avtoritary totalitary sistem.

 First of all, we need to dot the i's and cross the t's. What is Lithuania?

 Lithuania is a post-Soviet space, with all the ills that are characteristic of the entire post-Soviet region, with the only difference that today it is or is considered part of Europe. Despite this EU declared morally legal norms in Lithuania does not work and the country lives according to the inerty in system within the framework of Soviet law, which is veil by means of linguistic censorship.

 Society has degenerated into emotional outbursts of instincts, of instilled by symbols, painted rags, slogans based on separatism, Nazism, Racism, Zionism, intolerance to everything that is beyond their wretched understanding.

 The fact that the country lives at the expense of the infusion of EU subsidies into its budget is not the merit of Lithuanian residents, citizens. This is even worse than a country of gas stations, it is a state of drug addiction. Initially, there was a desire to improve their well-being by maintaining a richer and more generous owner, apropriate the merits of those to whom they have no relation.... It has been partially realized, but possible to measure one's dicks only with countries that are not, or sre lesser supported by the development democratic community. Behind the EU's back, a dirty, incorrect game is being played with the same totalitarian, authoritarian regimes, whose children it is are the entire political diaspora of today's Lithuanian politicians and officials.

 Therefore, Lithuania is a demographically assimilated region loyal to any authoritarian totalitarian regime - from a diaspora, clan befor organized crime group. The demographic ancestors of modern Lithuanian ethnic groups were resettled from all over the Soviet Space as replacements for residents, former owners of land, enterprises, as well as honored military, state, scientific figures whose privileges were annulled by the Soviet Regime, their merits were appropriated. The former residents themselves the native inhabitants who stood firmly on their own feet, those who did not manage to emigrate  to avoid further claims or obligations,  were subject to extermination or faceless resettlement.

 Not many returned from Soviet imprisonment into Lithuania and only those who proved themselves to be zealous supporters of the regime. Here is a portrait of a Lithuanian or a Lithuanian Citizen with the cockroaches of Soviet Propaganda absorbed with their mother's milk.
 So the initial question is whether these heirs will want to see you, the antipode of the Soviet Political System, in their circle. After all, you will not even be able to fill out an application for a temporary residence permit if you are not offered one. And to you will not be offered one because you are not a relative of Lukashenko, Putin, Nazarbayev, Soakoshvili or anyone from their circle.  By the way, if you are of course an honest and decent person, no one will put in a good word for you. Declared of Lithuania  laws of European do not work at here. This means that you will be slandered as a criminal, unreliable element and believe me, the word of a Russian or Belarusian KGB has more weight for the Lithuanian Migration Department than all your good intentions, abelity, education.
- ya... ya...

Simple pattert :
Jan 23, 2012 - Lithuania demands extradition to publick exicution of Jews who fought Lithuanian Nazis.

 It is precisely this demographically non-gomoenious Soviet-era ethnic group that is the property - the civil belonging, serfs of social caste of Lithuania of the Lithuanian Criminal Group that has usurped law and judicial branches of power. These are the same citizens who are dependent on various criminal structures in the ex-Soviet space, who, as heirs to the Soviet Administrative Structure, will decide your fate, the fate of your children. And they will decide this by force, financial and legal pressure -  on honesty, integrity, understanding dont hope.
Lithuania is not the best place for emigration, investing, busines. Here you can lose everything in one moment, and every year you will need  start all over again and in a circle. Perhaps someone is luckier than others. It is more difficult for independent people who do not want to crawl into someone's ass without soap and do not set the goal of cunningly providing some material benefits at the expense of their neighbor.
 So it turns out) this applies to all ethnic groups of America and Europe, and to Germans, and to British, and to French, and to Normans, and to Poles - it doesn't matter. It's more complicated at least in that the investment funds that you will have in Lithuanian banks to confirm your solvency for some time can be arrested only because, guided by incomprehensible, illogical and unreasonable considerations, someone decides to financial pressure on you for some of their own reasons for appropriating your income or property.
 Here you lose everything, both money and real estate, which you will lose during the period when you are will evicted due to utility debts or any payments that will be inevitable or mandatory. With business, you understand. Here you need a very trusted balanced apparatus to carry out the company's policy even during the time when you will be persecuted. And you will be persecuted because you are a victim and from you it is possible, under certain conditions, to get movable and immovable property for almost nothing.
 This means that you should  yourself on living your life at the level of ordinary local alcoholics, and it is better not to invest in material goods more than necessary and remember that any alcoholic is better than you, has more rights and can lay claim to your property if he sees his significance in it, a carefree existence, etc. But the initiators of pressure, robbery, extortion and other criminal activity directed against you and your interests will be the same workers of local government bodies, law enforcement and judicial authorities.

 Remember, Lithuania is oriented towards authoritarian regimes, and this orientation concerns both distorted understandings and legislation and moral norms. Declared Lithuanian legal norms do not work in Lithuania! Officials will be oriented towards the highest opinion, so it is easy, without any pangs of conscience, to hand over you to the KGB, the main administration of intelligence in Russia, as well as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, etc., and also other criminal structures of these countries only out of a desire to warm their hands on your property.  People who have oligarchs of the regimes or high-ranking officials of such systems among their relatives will find it easier to arrange their lives in Lithuania; the system will relations you with understanding and even curry favor with you in some way for you. If not, be wise, perhaps in order to integrate into Lithuania, to integrate buzines into Lithuania you will need more than one life and these lives you will have to live in poverty and with rights violated from all sides.

 My experience of relations with the Republic of Lithuania:

I. Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11
Part 1;
Part 2;
Part 3;

II.  'Let's' from language Soviet Union translate in Now Soviet Lithuania language - Uraaa, all Lithunianr puting Own Kids into a Caskets:
Part 1;
Part 2
Part 3

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