Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Jun 28, 2013 - Nationality: Lithuanian.

  What is the term Lithuanian? It is clear that this cannot be a nationality in the sense of Ethnicity to a Ethnic Group. In understending of Lithuanian, incliuding as and other those who consider themselves to belong to any country of post-Soviet influence, this term denotes hereditary slavery from the side of state and official persons of this country.

 That is, a justified moral and legal one-sided connection of dependence of an individual on a monarch. In the absence of a monarch, the entire former Soviet political diaspora understands its habitan as people attached to themselves, slaves, catles and this is everyone promotion idealogy of regions of post Soviet space, andlike Lithuania. Hence the interpretation of the word Nationality as a Civil Belonging, and not an Ethnic Group, habitants of a Country or Cityzenship as is customary in civilized countries.
 This important, what's important because is that each ethnic group has its own genetic group - a innate heredity.

 For example, the central part of Russia is R1A, ethnic inhabitants of Siberia are N1C, but ethnic Lithuanians, as an ethnic group that considers itself Scandinavian, should have I1, but we see - R1a, N3, J2, N2, K. It looks kind of stupid when a person with haplogroups 'R1a,K' has pretensions about classifying himself and his descendants as Scandinavian ethnic only because someone at some time brought his ancestors to the Baltic soil as loyal to the Soviet terrorist regime. And this reason the claims to attribute to himself and his clan from this persons the merits of those who lived before him in this territory look completely unfounded!

 This I say about East Prussia !

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- Ivana Kupala: Dew, Festival of Dew, Sun, Pagan Holiday;
- Lithuania, The Smuggling Country exsoviet space inside EU;
- Lithuania, Emigration inside, inout.

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