for Article: Plunge News / Plunge Zinios from 2008. August 22 'Parents Fight, Buy and Sell Children for Beer and Cigarettes'.
Original dokument / English
Pranciskaus Romo Sniauko
/personal code 34306201070/
residing in the village of Vatuši, Rietavas municipality, Rietavas local government.
Plunge County Land Management Department
The Affirmation
I, Pranciškus Romas Sniaukas, agree that in 1992 for a plot of land under a house with an area of 0.2892 ha, located in the village of Labāržu, Rietavas municipality, Rietavas local government, a one-time state payment in the amount of 16.39 litas /sixteen litas and thirty-nine cents/ will be registered as ot Konstantin Korenevskiy, born in 1965, on 15 April, since the buildings located on this plot belong to him by right of ownership.
Stamp: The facts stated in this document the notary did not check by.
Handwritten text: Pranciškus Romas Sniaukas, Signature.
Stamp: 2003-02-05 Vatusiu village, Rietavas municipality, Rietavas local government. I, the notary of Rietavas, Audrone Vaitkuviene, certify the authenticity of this signature of Pranciškus Romas Sniaukas.
Register 196
Salary 6/6
Seal with Lithuanian heraldry and writes: RIETAVO NOTARE AUDRONE VAITKUVIENE;
*09/10/2014 - Regarding the ownership of land and house to Eduarda, Ernestas.
*2008.06.08 - Written affirmation from ex-wife for no damages.
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