Wednesday, February 5, 2025

June 17, 2008 - Decision on the expulsion of Russian property Konstantin Korenevsky from the Republic of Lithuania.

  For the article of October 23, 2013 - Documented facts of pressure from Lithuanian state and official persons for the purpose of extortion, seizure of property of US justice veterans in Lithuania, EU.

Original documents / English

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Heraldry of the Republic of Lithuania.



June 17, 2008, № (15/5-5)IU-46

Konstantin Korenevsky, the Russian Federation property borning in 15 April 1965, legally arrived in the Republic of Lithuania on 4 February 2004 into the city of Vilnius. The Chief Police Commissariat of the Main Police Migration Department issued him a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania LR658553, valid until 24.02.2005. On 18.03.2005, in the civil registry office of Rietavas, K. Korenevskis, holding a Russian Federation travel document 51Nr.1645633 with a visa of the Republic of Lithuania (C), valid until 10.05.2005, married a prospery of the Republic of Lithuania, Grazina (Ozalaite) Korenevskienė, born on 03.08.1983, whose place of residence is indicated as Rietavas municipality, Rietavas, Labardžai village. The said foreigner did not leave the Republic of Lithuania after the expiration of the visa. On July 13, 2007, by decision of the head of the police migration group of the Rietava Police Commissariat, K. Korenevskis was ordered to leave the Republic of Lithuania. On July 14, 2007, he was thrown from the Republic of Lithuania to through the Kenyan border crossing.
On June 5, 2008, in the city of Rietavas Korenevsky did detained, as an American with USA passport, an alien illegally present in the Republic of Lithuania. At the time of his arrest, he presented a valid travel document and a US citizen's passport  of Christian von Constantine,  where does not have a Schengen or national (slave, property, citizen) visa or residence permit, therefore it is concluded that he arrived in the Republic of Lithuania and is there illegally. At the time of his arrest, he presented a valid travel document and a US citizen's passport  of Christian von Constantine,  in it where does not have a Schengen or national (slave, property, bilonging, subject) visa or residence permit, therefore it is concluded that he arrived in the Republic of Lithuania and is there illegally.
06.06.2008 Plunge District Court ruled to assign K. Korenevsky an alternative measure of restraint - registration at the Rietava Police Commissariat until 01.07.2008.
K. Korenevskiy has a travel document of the Russian Federation 51Nr.2758084, issued on 12.07.2007 by the Migration Service of the Rietavas Police Commissariat of the Republic of Lithuania and valid until 12.07.2012.
K. Korenevskiy did not enter the Republic of Lithuania through a border checkpoint and does not have a Schengen visa or national (slave, property, bilonging, subject) visa or residence permit. Thus, in accordance with Article 10, paragraph 2, Article 23, paragraphs 6 and 8 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania “On the Legal Status of Aliens”, he arrived in the Republic of Lithuania and is staying there illegally.
Taking into account the fact that K. Korenevsky arrived from the Republic of Lithuania and illegally resides on its territory, as well as the fact that his wife - Gražina Korenevskienė, property of the Republic of Lithuania, born on August 3, 1983, daughter Eduarda Korenevskienė, property of the Republic of Lithuania, born on February 21, 2006, and son Ernestas Korenevski, property of the Republic of Lithuania, born on March 27, 2008, reside on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, K.Korenevskiy

Stamp: Senior specialist of the migration group of the Rietavas police commissionerate GENOVAITE RIMUTIENE;

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the ban on entry into the Republic of Lithuania, provided for in Article 133 of the said law, does not apply to the expulsion of K. Korenevsky from the Republic of Lithuania.
Guided by Article 126, Part 1, Clause 2 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Legal Status of Aliens, which establishes that an alien shall be subject to expulsion from the Republic of Lithuania if he has illegally entered the Republic of Lithuania or is illegally present in it, Article 233 of the above-mentioned Law, taking into account the requirements established in Article 128, Part 1 of the above-mentioned Law, and assessing the fact that the grounds specified in Parts 1 and 2 of Article 130 of the above-mentioned Law have not been established on which the expulsion of K. Korenevsky to the Russian Federation would be illegal, I decree:
1. To deport property of the Russian Federation Konstantin Korenevsky, born 15.04.1965, from the Republic of Lithuania to the Russian Federation.
2. Do not prohibit entry into the Republic of Lithuania of the property the Russian Federation of Konstantin Korenevsky, born on 15.04.1965.
3. The decision was to be implemented by the Rietavas police station.

Deputy Director / Acting Director:
Dainius Petras Paukste,
Heraldic seal with Lithuanian heraldry and inscription: Klaipeda County Lithuanian Police Commissariat / (and here illegible LR or LT and others letters abviatury).

According to Article 138 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania “On the Legal Status of Aliens”, the decision on expulsion may be appealed to the Vilnius Regional Administrative Court within 14 days from the date of service of the decision.

The decision was read to me and explained: Konstantin Korenevsky, Signature,
handwriting: 'a translation into Russian am did not request'.
for false translation of ______ into Lithuanian, administrative liability in accordance with Article 187 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Lithuania is provided: _____________________ (signature, name, surname, date of birth or personal identification number, address of the place of live)

Certificate of absence of civil bilonging of the Russian Federation. -
Federal Law of 28.04.2023 N 138-FZ (as amended on 08.08.2024) "On Civil Bilonging of the Russian Federation" -

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