The photo report for the article “new parents of the children fight, buy and sell children for beer and cigarettes” - Plunge News, 2008. August 22.
This is the true goal of the entire policy of the Republic of Lithuania: distribution of budget funds in order to obtain financial and material benefits from the misfortunes of the inhabitants of this EU region. And the epilogue: three months with children in the hospital without any financial or material support from the Child Protection Service, the Social Service, the the Self-Goverment Administration of Rietavas of Republic of Lithuania and personally Antanas Černeckis and Vytautas Dičiūnas. Their influence, control over the courts, legal bodies, justice and others, will ultimately contribute to the advancement of their criminal activities and will lead to legalization and, as a consequence, to larger-scale, brazen, mass crimes.
You may be interested in other criminal acts of the Republic of Lithuania from name EU related to this case:
1. 'Let's' from language Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language - Uraaa, all Lithunianr puting Own Kids into a Caskets:
- Part 1,
- Part 2,
- Part 3;
2. Oct 20, 2013 - How does the Children's Rights Service of the Rietavas self government regulate communication between relatives;
3. Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11:
- Part 1,
- Part 2,
- Part 3,
4. Appropriation my movable and immovable property on the territory Lithuania, EU.
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