For the article of October 23, 2013 - Documented facts of pressure from Lithuanian state and official persons for the purpose of extortion, seizure of property of US justice veterans in Lithuania, EU.
Original documents / English
Friday newspaper Zemaitis and Vakaru Zinios free.
district newspaper of Plunge and Rietavas
Nr. 25 from 2006, March 31, Firday, Price 1 Litas.
Family suffered at the officials.
The first month of her life in this world and sweetly sleeping in her cradle, little Eduarda does not yet know what confusion her birth caused among the rulers of the Rietavas self-government. However, her parents, Grazina and Konstantin Korenevskiy, who live in the village of Labardziai in the Rietava district, told Zemaitis correspondents that they will not forget for a long time the insults, humiliations, material and financial losses they suffered due to the actions and words of some officials from mayer Antanas Cerneckis and him direktorius Vitautas Diciunas.
In order for the little baby not to interfere officials with the fraudulent Rob to Real Estate of the Korenevsky family, officials wanted to send her to an orphanage.
When we asked Labardžiai residents last Tuesday afternoon where Gražina and Konstantin Korenevski live, the locals we spoke to wondered what they had done to deserve such exceptional treatment repressing from the Rietavas government... 'From Rietavas self-government come and come to them all sorts of commissions, as if Gracina the only woman on earth who had given birth to a child. The Korenevskys are normal people, they don’t drink, maybe a little strange, but can this really be a reason for all sorts of commissions to go to them? In the villages of the Rietavas local-goverment there are many families were a place not for children, but no one pays attention to this', - shookin their heads the habitans of Labardzyai.
We found Grazina and Konstantin, as expected, at the cradle of their little daughter. They were still overjoyed with the baby, just the day before, on the 22nd, the mother returned with the newborn from the maternity ward of the Klaipeda hospital. 'The birth of a child is a great joy for us, but it also brought many tears. The employee of the Child Protection Service, Chief Rietavas, visited me in the hospital and said that the two of us are not allowed to return home, as there are no conditions for this - because of the smoke from the fireplace and is dirt everywhere. I got scared and started crying. They told me that they would send us to an orphanage. Later, when the my husband threatened to contact the editorial office, we were allowed to return. Maybe there was something wrong with the house, I dont know my husband was very busy and in a hurry to build us a fireplace, so I was very irritated by what the Child Protective Services workers said',- told us the woman.
The Rietavas municipal police took literally all my documents, official papers, computers, and electronic storage devices.
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